Bring back our Puppies!

Day 2,017, 16:27 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

Some of you might know about the horror that WTP has come face to face with. We awoke this morning with this post on our forums. Fingerguns has taken our PUPPIES! This is a horrible attack upon our party. We all are well known to either be an animal - or really love them. (Emerick REALLY loves them. Hard.) WTP does not negotiate with terrorist. We do what we have to do though. If this means war. SO BE IT!

This poor puppy did not need to die. Why Feds! WHY????

eaten?? You sick monster!


Teaching the puppy to drink?? What did that puppy do to you?

This has to end! The horror the Feds have done show the fact that they do not love puppies. They do not enjoy the wondrous love that only a puppy can give. Does that mean that all that p/h removes love?

Why now? Did the training instructors kidnapping shock them insane? Did they love the idea and steal it! More importantly... SAVE OUR PUPPIES!

You may think you've won with the puppies.. but I assure you. You have not. You will see. It is coming.