Been here before

Day 4,174, 07:46 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

Thought I'd share my first article (for the comments really), stepping up to the front of party politics in a party known as New Era. Unbeknownst to me, it was a PTO vehicle. ATO action was taken and the party reacted to it, as the former BP now RBP have, becoming Vendetta. Continuing to shout about how they were the true New Era, why couldn't I let it die, etc. This is the exact position BP's current PP finds himself in. Don't think for a moment anyone in RBP or BP that the former leaders will remember that you were a compatriot when you dare to have a different opinion - a friendship that's not worth sticking your neck on the block for.

How to bake a party
1 Loose theme
1 Snazzy name
5 Graphics
10k cc for encouragement payments can be substituted for hot air

Mix everything together and simmer for a few weeks. If you've done something wrong and it starts to curdle, just add a new name and continue stirring.

Within a short period of time you've got a bunch of people expecting something to happen, but as nothing gets discussed there isn't really any actual eRep political activity - just a bunch of expectant bodies waiting for something = mass of peeps who'll vote for the party. As there isn't actually anything happening after the initial hype, activity levels die down and the party body is anesthetized. Peeps remember to vote, but generally don't read articles or engage with other citizens. One day you wake up to find you're on the battlefield and look down at your uniform and realize it's not quite what you expected.

So if you find yourself fighting for something you don't really care about, and unsure if anyone actually cares beyond a masturbatory power-trip or the lolz of watching everything burn. Probably a good time to find another party.