Day 986, 07:02 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Kementerian Pertahanan eMY

Dear Citizens of eMalaysia,

We are now facing a critical situation where the number of active citizens has declined drastically due to the Zombie virus. The President has instructed me to ask all of you to contact SO immediately, so we can make a list of citizens who are active, and still have not been infected.
After you send us the message, go home, lock all your doors, and keep your weapons ready. We will provide an armed escort to those who need to get to work, training and the library.

(Even the SO carpark is now swarming with Zombies)

So please PM us now! Be part eMalaysia's active non-zombie list!

PS Here is a guide to surviving a Zombie attack.. enjoy!

Mr. Aleph,

Ministry of Interior/Social Office