Ahoy there!

Day 2,430, 14:53 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Ahoy there land lubbers!
Cap'n Pat 'Arper be taken over ye scurvy sea ship party to be sailin' us to yonder greatness! Join Cap'n Pat on his adventure to become ye No #1 Party in the seven pools! Climb the riggin & hoist the sails!

Aye the seven pools! who needs the sea? it be full o' scurvy dogs n' dirty scoundrels, our pools be fresh clean water, perfect for walkin ye plank! 1 Pistol and 1 shot of course!

Requirements to join ye finest ship in ye seven pools:

- Sense of humour
- Ability to speak pirate ARRRRrrr
- A Cannon
- Buckler ARRRRR
- Strength to weigh anchor ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
- A parrot

So come on by and join us ye scurvy land lubbin DOGS! HOIST THE SAILS!