A Profound Journey Volume Two

Day 3,319, 20:34 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

You know ever since I retired from being a constant journalist and politician it has been a constant party. Eventually I ended up with a classy drug addiction to heroin. I only snort it!

So one day my buddy tossed me a bottle of pills and said take one then if you are not dead take another one in an hour. So I take 2... in 30 minutes another 2.... and before the party started I took the rest of the bottle.

So my buddy walks up to me and asks for the bottle back..... uuuhhhhhhh! I took them..... BRUH! BRUH! BRUH! BRUH!

You know but nothing is happening. So I drink some alcohol, smoke some shitty weed, snorting some heroin, talking with a thot, and eating some tofu. So I eventually headed to the restroom and after taking a piss I looked into the mirror. Nothing is there its just black, much like that thot I was talking to earlier. Then I flew at the speed of light into a black hole. This caused me to become one with god and understand the nature of the universe.

When I became the individual Ya Boi D Money again I noticed a very beautiful women lying next to me in a strange bed. So I leaned over to kind of wake her up to find out what was going on. Still sleeping she smiled and something between her legs twitched. Startled, I began to investigate by slowly lifting her blanket. What I saw can only be described as a big black ****, measuring at least 9 inches.

Then she came to smiling at me and said in a deep voice, "wanna go again?" Startled, I sat up and took a quick look around the room and said, "yeah alright"

Some time after that I materialized in the park... you know the one with that perpetual do not cross tape surrounding a large segment of pavement and grass that appears to have nothing wrong with it. So I was doing my favorite Saturday morning activity and waiting to see how long it would take someone to attempt to cross supposed BS tape. They were rare, but you could see in their face they were determined. Their partner cucked then or they have some smug sense of intelligence because they saw a youtube video on philosophy and fallacies. So they paused for a second when they approached it. They slowly put one foot over another and took a step into the enclosed space. Instantly they exploded in a manner that appeared from with in.

After the good fun I noticed Emily Deschanel sitting next to me offering me a menthol and some awesome vegan shepard's pie with lentils. But I quickly realized who I was sitting next to; She was non other than God in the forum of Emily Deschanel. So while having a smoke I asked God what was with the hot tranny? Can I see her again? Do you have a phone number? NO CHILD THAT IS THE FANTASY OF A FELLOW CHILD IN STRUGGLE SHE DOES NOT EXIST! Why do you show me such things? THIS PASSES FOR A CERTAIN EREP PLAYER, SUCH A CUCK THEY SERVE **** IN BAD FAITH You mean.... OH NOT PFEIFFER THE OTHER GUY Oh yeah that one, lol SO YOU NEED TO GO BACK AND STRUGGLE WITH THE SFP, I CHOOSE THIS METHOD BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD TO YOU Are you saying I am the messiah meant to come and save the SFP? STOP BEING A SELF IMPORTANT JERK, I TOLD ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE SFP WHO WERE TRUE AT HEART BUT I HARDENED THE HEARTS OF YOUR ENEMIES MUCH LIKE PHARAOH IN THE JEWISH CLASSIC MYTHOLOGICAL NOVEL THE TORAH Well lets eat this vegan shepard's pie!