A dream.

Day 2,081, 22:55 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

Ok, lets take a little break from my CP campaign for my dream of what the economy could be with one little overhaul. For future reference, I will not insult Plato in this article, though it is his fault.

I dream of an economy that is %100 player based, no in game gold purchases. They skew the economy in favour of those with the biggest RL pockets, and in the end, most credit card debt. I have personally bought NOTHING from the credit dump. I have managed to turn 100 cc into over 15000 cc through the Import/Export business. Yay me!

I dream of an economy where there are more materials than just WRM and FRM. I want lumber, soft and hard. Various types of stone. Steel, Glass, Iron, Oil, Gasoline, Diesel fuel, Wheat, Flour, Bread. I want hundreds of types of building material, not just two.

I dream of an economy where transportation is taken into account. For example, you can hire a truck driver to take your products from one region to the other, and it takes a few days. If you hire an airline it will cost more, but take much less time to get your products to market. There should also be the ability to set freight fares, and provide for an active, competitive market. A competitive market , will always be cheaper than a market where prices are set. Also, when travelling between regions, you will have the choice of taking your own personal car, taking a bus, or for intercontinental travel, take an Airline.

I dream of an economy where it is again possible to start corporations, and give them the ability to own businesses. An oil company would own oil rigs, refineries, and gas stations where they provide the transport industry and personal cars with fuel. Transport companies would own trucks, warehouses, terminals, buses, planes, and maintenance facilities. A lumber company would own forest leases, mills, and forest product factories. A mining company would own mines and smelting facilities. And so on, and so on, and so on. Companies would have CEO's, who are elected by the executives. Each corporation would also be part of an international stock exchange, featured in the monetary market. There would also be a national stock exchange, accessible from the economy page of the country stats.

I dream of an economy where you have the ability to build, buy, rent, mortgage, and sell property. For instance, when you are starting out in the game, you get the keys to an apartment belonging to the administrators. however, rent will be fairly high in comparison to the quality of the apartment, to give an incentive to move into a player owned apartment eventually you can move out and rent another apartment or buy a house. Houses are build by construction companies, with a mechanic similar to The Sims. Real estate can be purchased, including condos, houses, apartments, retail stores, high rises, office buildings, warehouses, terminals, and the ever present vacant lot. Cities will pop up in the capitals of regions.

Of course, right now, none of this has happened, and none likely will. But, if Plato sees this and gets an idea how to shape the economy to finally shut us up about FIXING THE ECONOMY, I'd be very happy. Please plato, I'f you're reading this, please implement some of these ideas. Reporting for the rest of us eCanadian Business Weekly, this is a 3rd place CP candidate TheSocialistChicken. Stay Classy eCanada!