A brief guide to flags

Day 4,164, 03:14 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate
The argument

Whilst the Union Flag has never been officially adopted by law as the national flag of the UK, it has become so by usage (which can count for a lot in the British constitutional/legal system) and the government has stated it is the correct flag for use by British citizens. - https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/gb-use.html

Cos dress
Somethings just don't look right, which is why we assist our ladies in selecting the most appropriate colour palette for inappropriate clothing.

Miss United Kingdom
Keithunder will correctly observe that the flag represented on this ladies article of immodest clothing is not a union flag. Whilst men will wha, whilst men will.... men will... erhm ahh...

Miss Britain in a world of flag pedantry
Taking the use of flags away or excessive rules about the correct use/application/naming of flags leads to their absence. As seen here the irresponsible act of limiting flag use has resulted in this ladies disablement by not being able to use her hands for other duties.

Another flag with loosely defined use