8 years on

Day 5,572, 13:02 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Hello eCanadians, just a short message really to say hello again after 8 years of being away from this game. I see not much has changed in the grand scheme of things, and what community is left is being held together by exactly that.

8 years is a long time... I first began this game as a fresh faced college student and I am now 29, a working man with responsibility, a house, a woman, and dog. I'm sure the rest of you, some of whom have been logging on regularly the entire time, and others who come and go have all got the same nostalgia and memory of old times in and outside the game.

Coming back in the last month I have enjoyed falling back to the routine of having something to log into every day and completing some challenges, despite my complete lack of strength now. (although easier to get a battle hero with the lack of population). I have spent some time looking through old articles - not just my own but others too from back in the day. Most my friends list is now grey with dead citizens and I cannot be f'd to go through it deleting, it can be a permanent graveyard - but its triggered some good memories.

Shoutout to John + Mr Pickle for helping me out, and Mary C for encouraging me to write this.

Hope you are all well everyone.

Pat X

Pic of my dog's latest album cover for attention