[PN] Interview with... Mad Pauly (Epilepsy warning - flashing images)

Day 3,133, 06:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pannonian Nomad

So, here's another interview, this time with my vPP, Mad Pauly. Listen to his words...

1. Tell us about your real life self.

- I'm a 40-something self-employed IT type and professional grouch from the hilly bit of the People's Republic of Yorkshire. I have a fondness for cats, fast cars, computers and small "pale and interesting" women. Unfortunately I only have the computer right now (which hates hot weather and really needs an upgraded cooling system). Bit of a scruffy metalhead with a beard that comes and goes depending on how lazy I'm feeling and how hot the weather is.

2. About eRepublik Mad Pauly. When did you start playing and why? The story behind your eRepublik name and avatar...

- The name goes way back to the days of Quake (least I think it was Quake - I've been drunk since) where I had a habit of using rather chaotic tactics which inevitably led to the death of either myself or my teammates. Hence the "mad" moniker. It stuck and I saw no reason to use any other since. The avatar has been one I've used for a very long time and again, I see no good cause to change. It's kind of fitting.

Can't remember where I first came across eRep - probably looking for some kind of online strat game that I could dip in to now and then. Now it's nearly two years on and for some unknown reason I'm still pressing shiny buttons on a daily basis while producing the odd bit of satire when I have time and can be arsed to do so.

3. How do you see your future in eRepublik? What keeps you in the game and what are your ambitions?

- Currently little is keeping me here. I've done most of what I set out to achieve. I wouldn't mind a shot in MoFA someday but that would be a bit time consuming and that's one thing I don't have a great deal of right now. For that reason, and the way Congress stifled Rathena's government when she wanted to try a different direction, I have no desire to run for CP.

4. eUK's future? Any suggestions to the current and future governments? On a scale 1-10, rate the previous government and what do you think of the current government so far?

- Not great. The last major event screwed us. We had a nice set of bonuses before but the Resource Wars threw those all out of the window. There have been some positives over recent months - the National MU, of which I've been a proponent for a very long time, has finally come to fruition. I'm still sat in a government MU which neither the current nor the previous government has questioned, so that knocks points off. Considering the last government was hampered by the stupid event and didn't do too badly, I'll give a plus for that. 5/10. Not visible enough (again) and the same old faces, so points off. The current government is a bit of a breath of fresh air in comparison, but I do wish they'd quit with the subliminal (and not so subliminal) advertising.

5. eRepublik's future? Is there a future? What would you change?

- There's absolutely no doubt that the game is in decline and has been for some time. Populations across the eWorld are falling and the same old faces keep cropping up in government. Without fresh blood, it's likely to stagnate.

I came along too late for the "Golden Age" of which I hear so much, but I'd likely go back down that route were I Plato. Or turn it in to a shooter platform mobile puzzle strategy game called Age of Super Block Monster Invaders Republik. On a more serious note, fix combat so that division is based on influence, fix guerrilla fights so that they are more balanced and have some semblance of skill rather than a frustrating random element, bring back true national currencies and stop with ridiculous events which no one likes (or understands, like the Resource Wars. Fish, anyone?)

6. Who is your favourite person in eRepublik and why?

- Too many of my favourite people have eDied, sadly. Fortunately there are still a few who are hanging around. A certain Leicester-based Serbo-Hungarian nomadic type springs to mind, as does Rathena for having the balls (or maybe not?) to take on Congress and the perceived elite clique that had dominated politics for the past year or so.

7. Any person you dislike and why?

- No, I don't really do "dislike" or "hate". Lord London was an annoyance, as was Willy but the latter has turned in to some kind of family pet here in UKPP that pees on the carpet and pukes on the sofa but we don't have the heart to put him down.

8. A few words about your military history. Should people join your current MU and why? What do you think about the national MU?

- Don't join my MU. (interviewer: I actually thought that he is in the RN when I sent him the question, lol) For one thing, you can't cos it's set on private (so I win all the MU medals \o/). Join the National MU and get supplies since I was an original proponent of this idea. Or join the Navy and have a fight on a Sunday evening.

9. A few words about your political history. Why should people join your current party? On a scale 1-10, rate your PP.

- In congress long enough to become even more jaded and cynical. Was MoEd during the MEK crisis and dMoD (including a spot as de facto MoD when people resigned) in Rathena's government. Other than that, I've been quietly inactive as something in UKPP for some time. Probably vPP or something.

People should join UKPP because we have a pet Willy. And because our party wall is dead. \o/

Current PP? He's not a bad bloke, I guess. 9/10 for not being Willy.

10. Do you lift?

- Only pints. Preferably a dark bitter, porter or stout.

11. Should we AS Singapore?

- And why not? Just not during the GP weekend.

12. Your message to the community.

- Get involved. Try a bit of everything. Have fun. Don't take it too seriously.

Thank you Mad Pauly for your answers o7