[PiZ] Filipino Recruitment

Day 1,215, 10:10 Published in Philippines USA by PigInZen
Daily Econ Report Special Edition
Day 1,215 • March 19, 2011

In this edition:
1. A Personal Tale
2. Considering the Philippines
3. Currency Snapshots
4. Marketplace Snapshots for High Volume Industries

A Personal Story of Emigration

It is my personal hope that today's edition will give readers a reason to pause and reflect upon their eRepublik experience and consider emigrating to the ePhilippines (or ePH as like to call it). This isn't an article so much about how shitty the eUSA is (because it isn't) but more so about how awesome I've found the ePH to be and how, I hope, you can too.

My Reasons - Yours Might Differ

About one week into the Haliman Administration back in January I noticed something about myself. I had been growing increasingly frustrated with several aspects of my eRepublik experience. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I was definitely not enjoying playing the game. Sure, there were some aspects I really liked - doing economic analysis, strategic planning, putting theories to the test. But much of what I would term the "metagame" - conversations in the forums concerning politics, the military, national policies, pretty much everything, had left me just soured.

I know what you're thinking. I've always bitched about this. Indeed I have. The last time I started getting to this point I simply stopped playing eRepublik altogether. For seven months. Granted, I was very burnt out then and just damn frustrated with certain things just totally beyond my scope of influence. This time around I knew that I wasn't likely to just bail out. I was enjoying the "meatier" aspects of eRep too much. I was faced with a dilemma: how to improve my eRep experience without sacrificing any elements that I liked?

I knew I needed a change of some kind. And then the logical solution presented itself.

If you are frustrated by stagnation or feel like you have no influence in politics, a emigrating may be for you.

If you are unappreciative of the state and quality of public debate, emigrating may be for you.

If you enjoy a challenge in game play, emigrating may be for you.

If you can put aside personal emotion, biases or prejudice and create new coalitions to solve problems, emigrating may be for you.

If you are excited by figuring out how to succeed from disadvantaged position (strategically or tactically), emigrating may be for you.

Moving to the Phiippines

Moving to a smaller country is not for everyone. There are elements of it that I believe everyone can appreciate, however. Here are a few bullet points of elements of game play in the ePH that I've found interesting, exciting and keep me coming back to play more:

• English is the common language on the forums and in IRC. You may find some Tagalog used but not much.

• About 40 active players. It's a much smaller circle so your involvement, if positive, unselfish, and beneficial to the group, can have a broad effect.

• Media. Most articles receive between 25 to 40 votes, including those by government officials and the Defense Department. Getting Top 5 exposure is much much easier and with no org voting needed.

• Tone and esprit d'corps. Most eFilipinos are playing for the fun of the game, not to build their resume or a lengthy list of "accomplishments." Thus political debates are usually tempered by friendly tones and rarely descend into the trolling and sarcasm so often experienced elsewhere.

• Self-sufficiency. New game rules place an emphasis on self-sufficiency as a national strategy. The ePH has embraced this strategy with both arms and I have found that the lack of a grain region does not affect anyone's ability to make enough food to feed themselves when working at 2 Q1 food companies or 1 Q2 food company - the bellweather of basic sufficiency.

• Foreign policy. The ePH is located between the power countries of China and Indonesia and has been a common crossing path for armies since day 1. This necessitates an active and agressive foreign policy to ensure survival. Walking the tightrope is a common theme discussed.

• Building something lasting. Currently the ePH is rebuilding societal elements, most notably its military.

My Personal Goals for the ePH

I have a personal goal to recruit active players to the ePH. I would like to build a military consisting of 50 active members of varying strength that can project power and present a benefit to potential allies.

In order to achieve this goal I have set aside personal funds to bolster a national program of loans to encourage grain and food company ownership with the aim of creating as many ePH citizens with the ability to feed themselves 300 health a day without having to purchase food or grain off the market. You may qualify for this plan if:

1. You emigrate to the ePH.
2. You obtain ePH citizenship and locate your companies here.
3. You enlist in the ePH military and maintain active status.
4. You leave your politcal bullcrap at the border and treat your fellow eFilipinos with respect, friendship and comaraderie.

I am actively searching for eRep players to join us here in the ePH. Can you make the cut? If you think so, come on, what are you waiting for? Come help build something different! We've already started... Feel free to contact me with questions, concerns, or feedback you might have.

Daily Economic Snapshots

The PHP, USD and CNY continue to decline in relationship to gold. I know that it is the purposeful intention of some National Banks to keep a lower peg to lower the cost of purchasing land. Good news in here - the PHP has no fundamental difference in value in comparison to the USD or CNY.

Marketplace Snapshots for High Volume Industries

I am going to contine to hammer this point, but folks, seriously. Your products will not sell if they are not within 5-10% of prices in nearby larger economies (i.e., China or the U.S.). Drop your prices to match prices in those countries in gold terms if you want to sell anything at all.

See the commment to the previous table.

Again, the comment to the eUSA table should be helpful. Hey, no problem to me if you don't want to sell anything, I will just continue to price my products in line with prices found elsewhere and I'll make money. Your loss.

Stay dirty, piglets.

Small But Mighty

The ePhilippines can never match the total damage of a large country like the eUSA but rather can exceed her in per capita damage. It's like being Manny Pacquiao to the eUSA's Muhammad Ali. Both kick ass. But Manny Pacquiao is this generation's BAMF. Let's make the ePhilippines this eRep generation's BAMF.