[MoE] - The Need of more 2 Click'ers... v1.0.1

Day 2,424, 09:22 Published in India Bosnia and Herzegovina by JasonNoronha

Welcome to the #once_in_3_to_4_monthly newspaper of ...

I have this obsession of putting the lines almost everywhere... So please forgive me... 😃 😛
Okay here it is...

Lets face it... WE SUCK at fighting at the RIGHT time, at the RIGHT place... We have really great players... but just a handful of em... Some of em are very good... They help us all.. They are very good #orators... Great political leaders... etc...
But then there are players.. who are 95% CUT OFF from the community...
They are the MOST dangerous ones...

I so wish there was a CENTRE alignment tag here... 🙁
Now if you're not sleeping... you will ask a question...

For all the unknown FIGHTERS out there... Those people are Training DAILY.. EVERY single day... Increasing their strength every time they hit "Train"... They are #sacrificing the current Battle Hero medals... and True patriot medals and are gaining the SUPER SOLDIER medal almost EVERY 2 days...

Lets see some pics from egov4you.. as on day 2423...

Top 20 Division_1 players of eIndia...

Just, in BASICS... 65k Strength can OBLITERATE ANYONE in a war... ALL you NOOBS realise... Rivaldo1914 just does SO MUCH DAMAGE in 1 hit... Hes GODLIKE!!! and Hes just at level 33 which means he'll be there with us dealing damage for quite a while...

His damage potential...

My EXACT reference to the DANGEROUS guy...

He's basically muted himself...

Vigorious is one hell of a dude... When I was low level.. I saw this guy SINGLE HANDEDLY winning D1 wars for eIndia... His stats are as follows...

His damage potential...

Then theres our Hobblit... 😃

My party's elder... A good cheerful guy who makes some jokes and trolls people around in the party thread... Very social... Types "Hmmm." on almost every article... (ctrl c + ctrl v)

His stats:

His damage potential...

All the others are also great players.. but just for #inspiration sake... I have pointed these 3 REAL eIndians...
My only request is... WAIT for it.. WAIT fr the day.. ALL the 2 clickers come together and DESTROY the enemy... Just wait fr it.. You can also be a part of it... DONT levelUP.. Strength is all that matters...

(and GOLD also) 😛

Jayce-eN aka JasonNoronha

added more lines...
corrected some mistakes...