[IPC][TSC4PP] On the road again.

Day 2,058, 21:55 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

IPC, how you have fallen. 30 members in 2 weeks. You deserve much better. I'm not knocking Punisher or his cabinet. Hell, our drop in members can be blamed on my "vacation". Or maybe it can be attributed to Canada's falling population as all other parties have also been hit hard. I apologize for taking a break in a time of need, and I implore you to vote for a trusted face this PP election. We have a long way to go to get back to our former glory, so we may as well start here.

Sorry billboard, I don't have money to ride the train. Walking will have to suffice. The road back to glory will be a long hard walk, and to be frank, we may never see the glory we once saw. We can at least try. I have a few ideas about how to increase party membership and activity, so without further ado, let us begin.


Before I can get into depth about plans if I am elected to be PP again, I will addres the issue of my cabinet.

Party President , TheSocialistChicken. This is obvious.
Vice Party President, JaxTaylor. Jax will likely be runner-up in the PP election if I win, and I trust him. A must for a VPP. It will be a pleasure to work with him should I win.
Secretary General, LordJas. LordJas was originally in my cabinet when I was PP. He is a hard worker, and has made some friends in Canada's upper circles. He is also very active within the party.
Councillor, i.Brock. Brock is the newest addition to the Cabinet, and was appointed the same day as I returned, about 4 days ago. I wish to foster his true potential as an eCanadian politician. I also wish for him to serve as Councillor, the very same position I held within the party for months before being elected PP, maturing from a previously unwieldy gaffe machine into a less unwieldy respected member of the community, If I'm allowed to forgo humility.
Spokesperson, Unfilled (for now). If someone competent within the IPC appears, they will get the job.

Old Guar😛 1
New Bloo😛 3


I will bring back our CP election protocol that surprisingly flipped the tables and enabled Oinyo to be elected CP (pro-oinyo, Yay!. Anti-oinyo, Boo!). I will of course improve security so less intentionally spoiled ballots get through (he still clinched it even after I deleted the spoiled ballots).

I am not going to promise anything, But my objective this month is to get party numbers past 60 again. I hope to achieve this through new policies and programs that will be discussed immediately after the election.

IPC, on the 15th, Vote for a trusted name for your PP. Vote for TheSocialistChicken!

Stay Classy eCanada!

IPC, May the force be with you!