[IPC] My Final Report

Day 2,077, 21:33 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

Good evening eCanada. This month there really is ONLY one choice, and that is of course Klop123. The voting system I dreamt up months ago has been a dud. The number of active members in the IPC make it highly impractical to implement this system in the party. Because this system has failed, The cabinet has delivered a decision on who the IPC will be supporting this month. Klop123 is this months CP candidate.

Because I haven't published an article in a few weeks, Let me fill you in on the workings of the IPC. My second term as PP, in my opinion, has been a failure. Although party numbers have stablized, we haven't gained any new members, and I haven't made any inroads into making the party more active. This month will be my last with the IPC, I will leave at the end of my term, on the 16th. I have decided that the time has come to move on with my eLife. I have been with the party for it's entire life, and have held a command position for half that time. I matured in the IPC, I made my ill-fated foray into congress with the IPC. I have operated eCanada's foremost weekly economic newspaper with the IPC, speaking of that the NAMW will return in the fall when I have more time to kill. The IPC has been my home for most of my eLife, but I have accomplished as much as I can with the IPC, time for me to move out.

This article isn't long, or complex. This article is only significant because it will be my last with the IPC. Reporting for the eCanadian Business Weekly, this is TheSocilaistChicken. Stay Classy eCanada! IPC, May the force be with you!