[EPU] Thank You for Proving Our Point

Day 4,094, 15:43 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

(Was: Please Allow Me to Introduce Ourselves - Part II)

I'm back again, eUSA, with another article which will surely bore you. No memes, no clever insults, no trolling. Nope. Just a repeat of our hope to convince you to join us. Once again, I'm a believer that the median attention span of the average, everyday, red-blooded eAmerican can handle the challenge. Challenge accepted?

National Unity

I need to seriously thank those publishing articles in our media over the past day or so because I have no better example of the purpose of E Pluribus Unum. You see, there's a current complaint that a certain segment of our political realm has that the election has "been decided for you by the elites." Why, it's almost as if we're all not going to log in and have our votes actually count for anything tomorrow. It's almost as if political parties are monolithic entities whose members follow orders given from on high by their respective presidents. It's almost as if some are accusing you, the average, everyday, red-blooded eAmerican of not being able to think and decide for yourself what you believe your actual best choice in a presidential election should be.

My fellow nerds, this is a complaint about party with accusations of incompetence and graft thrown in for special "flavor". There are some who believe that real-life political definitions (libertarian, socialist, federalist, etc.) actually have relevance here in eRepublik. They, unequivocally, do not. The game does not care about what path we take to national unity, only whether WE ACTUALLY CAN GET OUR COLLECTIVE SHIT TOGETHER. I had the pleasant opportunity to read articles and posts (in the national feed, no less!) alleging that we, the eAmerican polity, are enslaved to the "elites" and that one of the candidates for President will use the mechanisms of power to enrich himself.

I won't even get into the personal messages I received that contained insults and threats because my party decided to endorse one of our own for president. I know I am not alone in this regard, others have confirmed the same messages to me privately. E Pluribus Unum is a small party. The sixth-largest, as a matter of fact. Our influence is (currently) small, relatively speaking. We're hoping both of these will change and that our purpose, illustrated in this article, will encourage you to join us in our crusade.

We cannot be an asset to our allies when we're divided by bullshit like this. We cannot muster collective power, appropriately targeted, when we're distracted by domestic political squabbles and personal insults like this. We cannot encourage new players to learn about the game, learn the most important lesson - COOPERATION AND COORDINATION - when this distortion is drowning out production conversations and communication in our media and in-game feeds.

National unity is the path to victory. We must reduce our differences, reduce domestic strife, reduce the internal bullshit, reduce the reasons to dislike each other and each others favored groups. We must increase our coordination, our cooperation, our camaraderie. The more we cooperate the more potential we have to win.

E Pluribus Unum is the party of NATIONAL UNITY. Unite or die.

"Out of Many, One"

We are recruiting. We have a long way to go to hit the Top 5. Please join us. Send a message to those that would divide us. Stand up for democratic principles. Announce your commitment to not being a dick.

PigInZen aka PiZ or Pig