[Election] Presidential Debate

Day 4,120, 10:50 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken


The following is a transcript from the Presidential Debate between Mann551, incumbent Country President of eCanada and leader of Orion, and EZStreet, Former Country President and Current Congressman.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Hello, eCanada. My name is TheSocialistChicken. This morning we are taking part in the first presidential debate in a long time, if not years. At one podium is Mann551, and at the other, is EZStreet. I will let the candidates for office introduce themselves.

EZStreet, POO
hi everyone! you should know me as a former cp and the creator of the personal development grant ( The PDG) I have been playing for 10 years mostly 2 click and actively for about 2 years

Mann551, CPF
Hello, Bonjour. I am Mann551. I've played for just over 8 years, on and off again. I've been consistently involved in the eCanadian government each month since February of 2018

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
The rules for todays debate are simple. There will be five questions pertaining to the responsible government of Canada, and it's various facets. Each candidate has 3 minutes to make his argument, and there will be no interruptions. The arguments take the form of paragraphs. If the candidate does not respond to the rebuttal of another in 45 seconds, he yields his time. Are you both in agreement?

EZStreet, POO

Mann551, CPF

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
In that case, we shall begin.
We start with a softball
What, to you, are the greatest aspects of the eCanadian community and player character. What makes this community the best. As the challenger, EZStreet has this question first.

EZStreet, POO
lol well, this is a funny question because I don't nessciarlly think Canada does have the best community or at least on what spectrum? we are not the biggest or strongest or maybe not even the best BUT we are very loyal and supportive of each other and our new players maybe in this aspect Canada is the best. maybe not that's for the eCanada gods to judge.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Mr. President, it is your turn to rebut.

Mann551, CPF
eCanada definitely has a fairly unique community, in that we all generally agree on the overarching direction which we should be taking. While there are disagreements on the path towards a common goal, we all agree on the common goal, and we go about arriving their in a fairly courteous manner. Some might even say, a Canadian manner. Sorry, eh?

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Thank you, gentlemen.
Now, both of you gentlemen have centerpiece programs, with generally similar goals. What are the Merits of your programs? Mr. EZStreet?

EZStreet, POO
its pretty simple more money faster into the hands of ecandians with less restrictions. for years our money has been wasted on gold grabbing trolls, failed wars and stagnit investments. it's time to stop botched programs and just get the money to the players.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Mr. President?

Mann551, CPF
While Mr. EZStreet and myself have similar goals of getting national funds into the hands of eCanadians, the program which he promotes does not give incentive for people to use the funds to grow eCanada. Each player gets a set amount of funds and it is not merit based, as the program which I am attempting to continue on does.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Mr. EZStreet, do you have a rebuttal?

EZStreet, POO
this 45 seconds to short lol, kids overpowered. short response if the money given to citizens increase ecanada economy and GDP whether they like it or not

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
In that case, we can extend the rebuttal time to 90 seconds.
And we continue with the question. What are the direct costs of each program, and what, if the numbers have been analyzed, is the direct benefit of the program?
Mr. President, lets have you first.

Mann551, CPF
Sure thing. The WestJet Rewards Program is funded with public funds, with a base amount of 25,000 cc, and increasing by 1,000 cc for each person involved. Currently there are 19 people involved in the program, which gives a total cost of 44,000 cc for the kills, plus an additional 500 cc for each rank up a player does, as long as they are above the Aviator rank. That is a per week amount, which comes out to approximately 180,000 cc in a 4 week period. This is money handed directly to citizens in response for them fighting in the air and improving their air rank, thereby also improving Canada's military capabilities in the air

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Mr. Congressman?

EZStreet, POO
its difficult to say without solid numbers of people that sign up but generally we have apx 30 sign ups and we try to get the 6-10k each
so around 180K to 300k monthly and it's for them to buy food,weapon gold or expand housing basically anything.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Congressman. Mr. President, do you have a rebuttal for his argument?

Mann551, CPF
Like I've said before, we both have similar goals in getting money into the hands of the players, we just have different methods of doing that. The Personal Development Grant does accomplish getting money into the hands of citizens, and I have personally benefitted from it in the past. I personal believe a more responsible approach is to make the handing out of funds merit based.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Thank you, Mr. President. From here we move to the last two questions. You both have the same overall goals, should you be elected. I just want to ask, in case there isn't perfect hegemony, what, if anything, will change to our foreign policy should you be elected.

EZStreet, POO
Nothing yet directly
internationally we have a very comfortable Position their is not reason to change that.

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Mr. President, have you a rebuttal or response?

Mann551, CPF
Our foreign policy has pretty much remained the same throughout the last few different presidents, whether it has been myself, Lawkee, Exalted Druid or NerfMinions. Ultimately, it would be to maintain good relations with Serbia and Romania, work closely with our Orion allies, and assist with Asterian objectives in what ways we are able

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
The last question is along similar lines. If elected CP, and Asteria request it, would you enter Canada into the Seventh World War that is currently being fought in Europe, or enter into the American occupation. Mr.Mann551 will have the first chance at this last question.

Mann551, CPF
If Asteria were to request our presence in these wars, then they are likely offering their military support in the battles as well, so I would assist. That being said, it makes more sense for Asteria to keep Canada out of the war as much as possible, as we are assisting them economically. Nonetheless, the war seems to come to us every couple of months through an airstrike on Northwest Territories or Nunavut

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Mr. Congressman?

EZStreet, POO
I would stick with out long time allies within Orion but my own personally belief would be to go into america. I would make sure they knew that but would confirm that with allies

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
Gentlemen, our official questions are over, but I have one more I would like to ask.
What, in your own opinion, is the best way to reinvigorate the eRepublik community, and breathe life back into this game?
Mr. Congressman?
We can get back to the Congressman in a few moments. Mr. President?

Mann551, CPF
It is really a hard thing to say. Part of me would like to say that the admins should deal with the multi-accounts and bots, but at the same time, that will ruin the game for a majority of players, and most of them are also pack buyers, which removes the monetary reason to keep the game running. So I really have no idea on this one.

EZStreet, POO
agreed, without serious admin intervention were doomed lol

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
And with that, this Presidential debate is at a close. Thank you both for agreeing to this debate. Do either of you have a closing statement?

Mann551, CPF
It really doesn't matter who you vote for in the end, so long as you show up and vote on March 5th. Whether you vote for myself, or whether you vote for EZStreet, the only way we can truly represent the eCanadian people is if as many of you as possible vote. I'd also like to wish best of luck to my opponent, EZStreet. Thank you Mr. Moderator for doing this debate.

EZStreet, POO
Thank you Mann and TSC for your time here today, Thank you to the citizens for reading, playing and voting! GL to Mann in the Elections, See you at the poll!

TheSocialistChicken, Moderator
And with that, we let the great Canadian democratic system let it do it's work, and we await an electoral return from the election committee on March 6th. I thank both candidates for their time, and with them good luck on March 5th. For the Presidential Debate, hosted by the eCanadian Business Weekly, this is TheSocialistChicken. Stay Classy, eCanada!

I expect all Canadians will conduct their civic duties, and vote for the candidate who best represents their views and beliefs, and with whom they most agree. I will see everyone on Election Day, and wish the Candidates good luck with their final few days of campaigning.

Moderating for the eCanadian Business Weekly, this is TheSocialistChicken. Stay informed, eCanada!