[CoH] Weekly Report

Day 2,303, 04:27 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper


Another week has passed, here are some figures of the current supply situation.
7315CC generated from slave pits
3000CC supplies from Pat Harpers own funds
2100 Q6 tanks purchased and delivered to workers
0 Q3 food purchased - last weeks left overs available on request
717 CC left over and placed in a kitty to be distributed in the next TG sale.

A less productive week, to say the least it has been tough. I have been banned 5 of the 7 days and Connor has been on holiday so things ran slowly, we lost and gained a few members, nothing to worry about and full recovery mode has come into place.
My RL job has turned into a shitstorm as of late, with a lot of overtime needed so my time on the game has been stretched even when I'm not banned. Hopefully it will calm down a little this week and I can return to full flow of the military unit.
I would like to apologise to the members for the late supply and article and thank them for being so patient and loyal.

Work Communes

I can't stress enough how important it is for you to work for Connor in our communes, without doing so you will not be supplied and the unit will not be able to build up its funds to improve your own training grounds.

Training ground upgrades

In the last Training Ground sales we supplied MarioRV, Lord Munster, HazmatNukeHackz0r and one other which I shouldn't have forgotten with enough gold to upgrade their Training Grounds to the next level! 10000 CC was handed out on a first come first serve basis. This is our goal to form a stronger eCanada. Congratulations to those players and happy strength building!

Pat Harper - Commander
Connor MacLeod - 2nd Commander
Gobba - Major
Oliver Dietz - Private
MarioRV - Sergeant
Sgt Schwimm - Private
tomturc35 - Private
Lord Munster - Private
gbr_blue - Private
rooman97 - Private
Guagature - Corporal
Kilbupere1 - Private

Prince Sheogorath - 2nd Commander
Randall Flag - Captain
Lucan - Corporal
Srinjoy Sarkar - Private
Nikkooter - Private
Sadhunath - Private
Starcop Seven - Private
T.E. Lwrence - Private
Dr. Savage - Private
TheSocialistChicken - Private
The Remastered God - Private


CptKaydee - Captain
Zianni Vaatez - Corporal
Buckshot Dome - Private
Naktabar - Private
HazmatNukeHax0r - Corporal
KarateWinner - Corporal
Selior56 - Sergeant
steftess - Private
panzer1990panzer - Private

Guagature - Corporal
Shown good activity in the feeds.

Selior56 - Sergeant

Impressive activity and interactions

MarioRV - Sergeant

Impressive activity and interactions - Ran his own 'Free Pat' campaign in the MU feed while I was banned lol

HazmatNukeHackz0r - Corporal

Impressive activity in the feeds

Congratulations! you all earn 20 Q7 tanks!

o7 Company dismissed