[CoH] Important note from the commander

Day 2,313, 04:48 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper


Another week has passed, here are some figures of the current supply situation.
5300CC generated from slave pits (only half the week)
1000CC supplied from Pat Harpers own funds
1300 Q6 tanks purchased and delivered to workers
0 Q3 food purchased - last weeks left overs available on request
0 CC left over and placed in a kitty to be distributed in the next TG sale.
However the rest of the weeks slave activity has not come through yet, that money will go into the kitty.

Guagature - 10 Gold, 2000 CC

Pat Harper - Commander
Connor MacLeod - 2nd Commander
Gobba - Major
Oliver Dietz - Private
MarioRV - Sergeant
Sgt Schwimm - Private
tomturc35 - Private
Lord Munster - Private
gbr_blue - Private
rooman97 - Private
Guagature - Corporal
Kilbupere1 - Private
FisslePie - Private
ApocoLips - Private

Prince Sheogorath - 2nd Commander
Randall Flag - Captain
Lucan - Corporal
Srinjoy Sarkar - Private
Nikkooter - Private
Sadhunath - Private
Starcop Seven - Private
T.E. Lwrence - Private
Dr. Savage - Private
The Remastered God - Private


CptKaydee - Captain
Zianni Vaatez - Corporal
Buckshot Dome - Private
Naktabar - Private
HazmatNukeHax0r - Corporal
KarateWinner - Corporal
Selior56 - Sergeant
steftess - Private
panzer1990panzer - Private

Guagature - Sergeant
Shown good activity and has been actively donating Gold and CC to aid the young players

Congratulations! you earn 20 Q7 tanks!

Soon, I'm not sure when yet but most likely within the next few months I am going travelling. As some of you know I am currently living and working in Australia for a year, 6 months of work have past and it's time that I explored this wonderful country. I will be buying a adventure motorcycle, bagging up and travelling as far and wide as I can. Stopping and working when I need some cash and then continuing on my way. I will ofcourse not have access to internet except maybe in a hostel so my activity on eRepublik will be either finished or minimal. I will be back after my travels but obviously while I am away I will not be able to run Company of Heroes. I may be a month, maybe two or three, I havn't planned it yet, I just know I have 6 months before I fly back to the UK and need to make the most of it.

Now I don't want the MU to die. I will need someone to step up while I am away, you don't need factories to do the job, I have none, just activity and involvement in helping the young players and general sorting and directing.
Obviously Connor or Prince Sheogorath have priority if they want the job, if not feel free to ask me.

Thanks for your time.