[AMP] PoTUS Elections & More

Day 2,418, 22:03 Published in USA Canada by Code-Y

Table of Contents:
AMP PoTUS nomination & Interview
AMP Trivia Challenge with a 10 Q7 Tank Reward
Information on AMP Jobs and how to apply
The free stuff section
Some greeling.. but not enough...

Hello America, election day is upon us and first and foremost I'm proud to announce that John Largo has won AMP's Nomination by a landslide! So please, all members of the American Military Party, be sure to vote for John Largo today! If you want to know some more about John Largo, check out his interview below!

1. You promised to establish a public PDB (Presidential Daily Briefing) for the American Military Party. So far, how has that progressed?

The Party-Wide PDBs have been going great! We've had conducted our business in front of the entire party, and a few that otherwise would not have had access have participated as well. I encourage AMPers who have not participated yet to come on in to the forums and get involved.

2. Since being elected as PP, what other things standout that you, or the party as a whole, have accomplished that you can think of?

The first few days was getting the proper access for me and the guys in new positions. Then it was getting everyone accustomed to working in front of the rest of the party. The Media team has been rolling out articles like a machine, our recruiting team is on point, and our PAC team has the primaries running smoothly.

3. How do you plan to establish, develop and maintain momentum in gaining new members and making the AMP a better community?

I don't think our party's rank is important as long as we hold a position in the top 5. Top 5 gives us Congressmen, and I will ensure we keep that distinction. So basically I say that because I don't want my recruiting team to get desperate. I definitely want all the real players messaged about the joys of being an AMPer. I just don't want to stoop to multis or imports for the sake of moving up a notch in the top 5. We will stay top 5, but within it, it is not important to me.

4. Given the events of the last month and major foreign policy updates, such as the establishment of Pacifica, what role are you going to push for AMP Members in Congress for this month?

AMP has always allowed our members to vote their conscience. We don't select our Congressmen based on political views, and we don't require require them to vote the "Party Line". I always push for the advancement of AMPers into National leadership, and this month will be no different.

5. What are your plans for the rest of your Party Presidential term?

The rest of my term will keep the transparency and inclusiveness going. Alexander Valkor has a great idea that I hope comes to light by the end, but I'll keep that one under wraps until he is ready to get it going. Stay tuned.

You heard it here first folks, there's more coming! Thanks for checking out this interview done by Alexander Valkor II!
AMP Trivia Challenge!

Which one of these facts about AMP are false?

1. The AMP forums were initially a sub-section of the eUS Military to help boost initial membership and foster community growth within the AMP before the party shifted to off site forums.

2. The modern AMP's first Chief of Staff was a former Chief of Staff of the USWP.

3.The core of the modern AMP's leadership all were former high profile members of the Feds that left for various reasons, but mostly due to elitism and various forms of nepotism and despotism..

Comment your answer below and tell me you feel the AMPs, every person who's correct gets 10 Q7 Tanks! (And if you're wrong, I'll still give you 3 because I'm nice.)

AMP Jobs are party roles which every AMPer can apply to. These jobs include many teams:

The media team, which is in charge of all of the party articles, the Education team which is in charge of writing guides and explaining the game and it's modules to newbies, the player retention team which helps to make sure players actually stay in AMP ,and the player recruitment team which recruits new AMPers. Also, for players which aren't interested in all of the above, there's another option: signing up for administrative duties, which includes handing stuff out.

There are two important points that makes it so special.

The first is the fact that there is also an opening for more players! That's right, there's no chance of an AMPer signing up and not getting a job.

The second is the most important: Anyone can help!

Every player has something he is good at, or he wants to become good at, and AMP jobs provide experience in a specific topic. Don't be afraid, no experience is needed, but a lot of experience is gained here.

Free Stuff Section!
I don't think you guys like free stuff, no one ever actually claims it. Both these programs are open to everyone

AMP Food & Tank program!

Free Q7 Tanks!

Tl😉r? (Too lazy, didn't read?)
John Largo for CP, there's never enough Greeling, and AMP wants YOU, we're growing and with the help of each and everyone who wants to help, we will bloom into the glorious party we're capable of being.
✯✯✯ Feel the AMPS! ✯✯✯