[财政报纸 #02] 买金 (刷卡) 经济学 | Economics of Gold Buying

Day 2,044, 11:32 Published in China China by Ministry of SinoFinance
简体版 - 翻译自85的漂亮老婆
今天我想谈谈买Gold (译者按: 刷卡党)。 eRepublik显然变成了著名的付费就是王道的网站,亦即是付钱并不提升你的游戏体验,反而是让你游戏的道路平坦很多。这一变化是逐步的,但在这个烧糖打战的时代变得更加明显。螺母是第一个大坦(译者问: 其实为什么不是罗姆? =.= ),自那时起大坦的数目有增长,现在有成千上万的玩家买Gold去打战。

但当然Gold有另一种用法:厂子。厂子相比起做大坦更便宜,而且有长远的目标。很多人经常问我如何致富-诀窍是真的从小做起、要有耐心,而且要节俭。但如果你有一些起始的资金那确实会有(很大)的帮助,那就是为何会有刷卡党的出现。如果你明天创建一个新帐户,你一天将会有10-20CNY左右的工资收入,又或许一个月有10至15Gold 左右​​的奖章收入,一开始的几个月收入相对较高。

要认真地赚钱你需要基础,而最坚实的基础就是厂子- 也就是原材料厂。工资价格、粮食价格和武器价格无论发生什么事,透过生产原料还是会产生收入。事实上原料的回报率几乎是各种厂子中回报率最高的,一般来说在可看的将来也是。一间Q4原料厂一个星期约能赚回100CNY,这意味着需要大约一年半的时间回本。一间Q5原料厂稍微好一点,一星期大约能赚140CNY,回本期仅过一年。但重点是它将资金转化成能产生收入的资产。


现在你可以清楚地看到要一鼓脑儿发展到14间厂子大概需要一年多。此时- 储了一年钱后,参照目前物价你的收入大约是1.25Gold一天。考虑到你在财政上的牺牲,为了这么小的收入似乎等待了很长的一段时间。

让我们将刷卡买Gold纳入考虑的因素。比方说一个新玩家在50%买Gold优惠时加入游戏并刷了个100欧元的Gold包。因为这个设定,我们假设他将会由奖章和任务中得到50 Gold 的起始资金。刷卡让你马上得到450Gold,再加上那50Gold能让你立即买到14家Q5武料厂。你不仅省了自己死命工作的一年多时间,你还有1.25Gold一天的收入基础,这意味着你可以在少于一个月的时间建一间新Q5武料厂。

现在让我们看看那位买了100欧元包的刷卡党- 玩家B一年多来的表现。在他和第一个玩家完全相同的处境下,仅仅过了一年的时间- 369天他应该已经拥有40间Q5武料厂。在玩家A仍然因为只有约1Gold 一天收入挣扎求存的时候,玩家B已经赚取3.6 Gold的一天或一个月109 Gold的收入。这是一笔相当可观的收入,能有效运用的话玩家有可能在一年之内拥有100间Q5武料厂,什至在开始游戏的两年内每天赚取最多10 Gold 的收入。



Iain, 财政部长

繁体版 - 翻譯自85的漂亮老婆
今天我想談談買Gold (譯者按: 刷卡黨)。eRepublik顯然變成了著名的付費就是王道的網站,亦即是付錢並不提昇你的遊戲體驗,反而是讓你遊戲的道路平坦很多。這一變化是逐步的,但在這個燒糖打戰的時代變得更加明顯。螺母是第一個大坦(譯者問: 其實為什麼不是羅姆? =.= ),自那時起大坦的數目有增長,現在有成千上萬的玩家買Gold去打戰。

但當然Gold有另一種用法:廠子。廠子相比起做大坦更便宜,而且有長遠的目標。很多人經常問我如何致富-訣竅是真的從小做起、要有耐心,而且要節儉。但如果你有一些起始的資金那確實會有(很大)的幫助,那就是為何會有刷卡黨的出現。如果你明天創建一個新帳戶,你一天將會有10-20CNY左右的工資收入,又或許一個月有10至15Gold 左右的獎章收入,一開始的幾個月收入相對較高。

要認真地賺錢你需要基礎,而最堅實的基礎就是廠子- 也就是原材料廠。工資價格、糧食價格和武器價格無論發生什麼事,透過生產原料還是會產生收入。事實上原料的回報率幾乎是各種廠子中回報率最高的,一般來說在可看的將來也是。 一間Q4原料廠一個星期約能賺回100CNY,這意味著需要大約一年半的時間回本。 一間Q5原料廠稍微好一點,一星期大約能賺140CNY,回本期僅過一年。但重點是它將資金轉化成能產生收入的資產。


現在你可以清楚地看到要一鼓腦兒發展到14間廠子大概需要一年多。此時 - 儲了一年錢後,參照目前物價你的收入大約是1.25Gold一天。考慮到你在財政上的犧牲,為了這麼小的收入似乎等待了很長的一段時間。

讓我們將刷卡買Gold納入考慮的因素。比方說一個新玩家在50%買Gold優惠時加入遊戲並刷了個100歐元的Gold包。因為這個設定,我們假設他將會由獎章和任務中得到50 Gold 的起始資金。刷卡讓你馬上得到450Gold,再加上那50Gold能讓你立即買到14家Q5武料廠。你不僅省了自己死命工作的一年多時間,你還有1.25Gold一天的收入基礎,這意味著你可以在少於一個月的時間建一間新Q5武料廠。

現在讓我們看看那位買了100歐元包的刷卡黨- 玩家B一年多來的表現。在他和第一個玩家完全相同的處境下,僅僅過了一年的時間- 369天他應該已經擁有40間Q5武料廠。在玩家A仍然因為只有約1Gold 一天收入掙扎求存的時候,玩家B已經賺取 3.6 Gold的一天或一個月109 Gold的收入。這是一筆相當可觀的收入,能有效運用的話玩家有可能在一年之內擁有100間Q5武料廠,什至在開始遊戲的兩年內每天賺取最多10 Gold 的收入。



lain, 財政部長

English Version
Dear friends,
Today I want to talk about gold buying. Obviously eRepublik is famously becoming a pay to win type site, whereby paying money does not enhance your experience so much as make your game playable. This change has been gradual, but more pronounced in recent times with the era of mega tanking. Romper was the first modern tank, but since then the number has grown, and now there are thousands of players who buy gold to fight.

But of course gold has another use: companies. Companies are proportionally cheaper than tanking, and of course have long term goals. People have asked me a lot how to get rich –the trick is really to start small, be patient, and save. But it does help (a LOT) if you have some starting capital- this is where gold buying can come in. If you started a new account tomorrow, you’d have an income of between ten and twenty currency a day from wages, and perhaps ten to fifteen gold a month on average for medals, with a slightly higher income the first few months when you first begin.

To make money in any serious way you need a foundation, and the most solid foundation is companies- namely raw materials companies. Whatever happens to wage prices, food prices, weapon prices- raw materials can always be produced and will always generate income. In fact the rate of return for raw materials is nearly always the highest rate of return, and generally speaking always will be. A Q4 company returns about a hundred currency a week, meaning it takes about a year and a half to return investment. A Q5 is slightly better with about a hundred and forty a week, taking just over a year. But the point is that it turns capital into income-generating assets.

So how to build up this base? Obviously growth is not linear- each new company adds to income which adds to growth speed. You can see below the time it takes to get from none to fourteen rubber mines, based on 10/10 bonuses, 10g a month medal income and the player working in a commune and thus being reliant on income from companies. This isn’t the best or the fastest possible growth, but I think it’s a realistic set of assumptions to make.

Now you can clearly see here that it takes well over a year to reach the fourteen companies I’ve arbitrarily went up to. At that point- after a year of saving, your income will be around 1.25g a day based on current prices. Seems like a long time to wait for such a small income- especially considering the financial sacrifices you’d have to make to get there.

Now let’s quickly factor in gold buying. Say as a new player you joined during a 50% gold offer and bought the 100 euro pack. With the initial projection we assumed 50g starting money based on the “boost” you get from medals and missions at the beginning of the game. With gold buying, you immediately have 450 gold, which with that 50g boost will buy you 14 companies immediately. Not only have you saved yourself over a year’s tedious hard work, you have an income base of 1.25g a day- which means you can build a new company from scratch in under a month.

Now let’s look at how our gold buyer- player B- who has bought the 100 euro pack performs over a year. Providing he is under exactly the same circumstances as the first player, he should reach 40 companies in just over a year- 369 days. Whereas player A is still languishing with about 1g a day income, player B is now earning 3.6g a day- or 109g a month. A respectable sum- effectively if that player wanted to they could have a hundred Q5 companies within a year and hit the 10g a day max income within two years of starting.

Now some players are gold buyers and some aren’t, and I’m not going to tell you what to do. But if you play the game a lot, get a lot of enjoyment from it, you may want to consider this option. It bootstraps you up to a higher level in the way loans and joint companies could in the past, and at a relatively low one off cost, provided you decide to stick with the game. For those of us like myself who did it the slow way, we benefitted in other ways that substituted for gold buying. For example I made a lot of my early wealth simply from taking advantage of the slow changing (sticky) market prices during major game changes.

Even if you don’t intend to buy gold it provides an interesting insight into the massive effect that gold buying can have on your game play.

Iain, Minister of Finance