Yesterday's News:

Day 3,227, 02:19 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Issue #136

So, here's what's going on:

Our allies are gearing up for an airstrike. So, clean your weapons and think about the meaning of life, for a while.

The halls of congress haven't been real active, but that may not be a bad thing. In Public Congress, I proposed that Hoss1965 be removed from the blacklist.
I voted against a proposal in Private Congress. I believe that I've got to wait 3 months to disclose the details.

Party Announcement:
Just a reminder; Congressional Primaries start on Today. I'd like to see as many people as possible participate. But whatever, I'm not pointing a gun at you. It's not my job.

I may write something later. I just had to get something published, while I have a chance. Don't forget to vote for the Socialist Freedom Party.