Words from CP - Update

Day 1,358, 16:41 Published in South Africa USA by GoneAndGone

Hello again my citizens of eSouth Africa. It's time to give a pretty decent break down of what's going on.

First off, lets know the easiest one out of the way.

As you can see here, Uruguay has attacked Western Cape as part of a, lets call it training war, with them. This is so they can work on, and get, the NE mission, where you need 100kills against your NE. The plan is for this NE to either:
a) Auto end with them taking WC, which would mean they would only border Brazil and it would end,
b) Have eSA win, attack Uru, and we'll go from there. Probably try and win that and RW it back to Uru.

Now, lets move onto Brazil. Currently, we have two battles with them. The first battle is in KwaZulu Natal. As you can see in MoD Orders, I am asking all citizens to FIGHT FOR BRAZIL!!! I'll explain this decision in a second. The other battle is the RW in Northern Cape. Once again I ask that all citizens fight FOR BRAZIL. This region is contracted to them, and also helps make sure that ir Uru wins WC, the NE ends automatically, as opposed to use being attacked harder or wiped.

So, Indo has plans to attack Brazil. They plan on going through us to do so. Want proof?

"Jendral Besar AH Nasution to Tenshibo | yesterday
Dear CP of South Africa,
Congratulation to be a President of SA. I wonder you can enjoy it 😉
i just want to tell that in the near time we want to NE-ing SA for retake Eastern Cape and make our way to Brazil. thx"


So, now eSouth Africa will be safe, and it pressures Indo. If they want to threaten eSA, if they think they can enforce their imperialistic ways on us, they now know: Brazil is here for us. They're here to help us. They're here, to keep Indo in their place. And South Africa will be there too, to strike on Indo should they now attack our ally Brazil. Together, eSA and Brazil are strong. We have our allies, our hearts, and our refusal to be dominated. Together, nothing is impossible.

Thank you everything one for reading. I hope this keeps you informed and up-to-date. PM me or comment any questions.

-Tenshibo, President