Wining by losing

Day 1,692, 00:01 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by eDarkAngel

Argentina is celebrating a great victory today, Turkey is rejoicing an epic conquest and EDEN brass is toasting a momentous achievement.

Yes it is a great day for EDEN and it's followers. USA has through genious foreign policy succeeded in dismantling TERRA in it's entirety and thus become fully dependent on EDEN (unless they succeed in becoming the next traitors by making a new alliance with Spain, Brazil and Poland, odd group indeed). It has forced Brazil to do it's bidding despite Romanian attempts ot PTO the country and the profussed neutrality and it has won a great victory against it's new nemesis....wait for it....CoT.

Yes for the past 3 months EDEN has mostly concentrated on punishing Bulgaria and forcing it into submission, as part of this "diplomacy" it has focused on stamping out Chile as well, thus the victory over the new, green and fragile CoT alliance must be regarded as a great step towards that end.

Though the loss stings as victory was not far and with a little better tactics, organization and communication it was very much achievable it is far from a disaster for CoT and great achievement for EDEN.

Truth of the matter is that 3 months after the beat into a pulp of Bulgaria and it's allies strategy was adopted, the results are far from good for EDEN brass.

First by focusing on CoT so much it gave the new alliance a legitimation, after all the irrelevant alliance made EDEN pull out all the stops to win two battle on the edge of a blade. The once big, all powerful and righteous EDEN alliance needs the help of any and everyone it can call upon, force into or pay to fight so as to defeat the small and insignificant alliance of Bulgaria and ppupets.

At this point EDEN trolls....uhm distinguished advisors and tanks, will chime in sayins, if it wasn't for ONE bla bla bla.....yet ONE countries and not only fought for CoT on that day not simply against EDEN. In any case, the Russian, Iranian, some Irish even Ukranians did not fight against EDEN, they fought for what CoT stands for. Something that has become lost in this game, comradely, friendship and mutual respect. It does not have resources and profit as it's main values and aims and that is simply visible by the fact that it's member countries are from all corners of the map.

Still the fact remains, that even in it's infancy and still very much chaotic, while Bulgaria is marred in an internal political crisis, Chile is growing through the growing pains of it's baby population, South Korea trying to recover from months of domination and the the ongoing onslaught from 2 directions on New Zealand, CoT was able to mount and inspire a defiant resistance to the last minute of the last round against the former moral hegemony and dominant alliance in the game.

Of course, EDEN has long ago become yet another hypocritical alliance as some of it's members and would be members are well aware. While it has been on a crusade against Bulgaria, Chile and CoT it has left it's member Portugal to rott under occupation, left India and Netherlands to wait for maybe another year for the "trial" periods to end and permitted the now former main enemies of Poland and Serbia gain 10/10 and 9/10 resources. Italy and Bosnia is pointless to me ton, they're permanently sacrificed.

However That is really their problem and honestly for me as for many Bulgarians I'm sure it's past any care for EDEN's problems. Neither do we really care for USA's new found fascination with original Bulgarian regions or the Rrogance with which their president Nnounce to me that they have a " not so good opinion"..... I mean really, how stuck up do you have to be to think you can be so condescending. Though that would explain the recent track record of US foreign policy, when you start from the ritual sacrificing of Chile (great move this is turning out to be) to the NAP with Poland and Spain while Germany, France and Portugal are occupied and finishing with the negotiations about a new game altering alliance with Poland, Brazil (not so neutral) and Spain.

What matters for me is that CoT was put on the map yesterday it had it's first test and though it failed, it gained much more then any victory on the battlefield could have given. it gained confidence that it can spend up to the big boys, that it can inspire resistance and that it will not give up.

The last is not really surprising keeping in mind who make up the young alliance. both Bulgaria and Chile owe their rise to neighboring countries attempting to force their will on them. For Bulgaria that was Romania and for Chile that is Argentina. They must be elated with their long term visionary plans in creating another world power on it's borders. It seems every time they delete Chile, Chilean population doubles, I would be worried if I was Argentinian right about now.

More importantly not winning the first real test means that there is no chance of becoming arrogant, assuming things will be easy. No on the contrary, the young alliance has still a lot of work, it needs better organization and division of labour, better communication and more experience at using the right strategy to wage war and win rounds. It needs to accumulate experience and skill on alliance level until it passes a critical mass which will allow it to win battles on a regular bassis.

Still if it can take one of the former glory alliances to the brink in it's first chaotic attempt, then the future is bright indeed.

Hardship,tends to be a positive selector, those who are unwilling or unable to sustain it, fall by the side and only the strong willed and able remain. Coupled with the characteristics of all CPU tries in the alliance as ones that excell under duress, yesterday's loss can only have a positive effect on all in CoT and the alliance itself. Just as people spontaneously organized to fight yesterday, it will drive them to be better next time and even better the time after untill they succeed.

So I'm more en happy to lett EDEN celebrate it's victory, to me we're the winners today though we lost on the battlefield. We won our place on the map, we won our right to self determination and we won the knowledge that at our direst hour and weakest time we pushed the much stronger and more experienced enemy to the brink.

No we're not the richest, no we're not the strongest and no we're not the most organized right now, but we got the biggest determination and will to change the status quo and to play by our value system not someone else's. When you have that you can never be defeated as long as you have your friends by your side and as Bulgarians and Russians are side by side time and again no matter where they might be, from this day on the same can be said for everyone in CoT.

From here on things can only go forward and get better, the alliance can only grow stronger, be it by the maturity of th big baby boom of Chile which will make it another world power very soon, be it by the addition of other cou tries sharing the same unconditional support for their allies as it's main value system.

So today, we're all winners though we lost yesterday, battles will be fought many of times, some will be won, others lost, countries will be deleted and freed, but true bonds are hard to make and even harder to break. We will be back and we will be better next time.

We dare to be different, we dare to be ourselves, we're CoT, expect us!