Why Clan Wolf Is Supporting ElPatoDiablo for CP

Day 1,777, 10:12 Published in Canada Canada by Quim B. Muffins

Why is Clan Wolf supporting ElPatoDiablo in the eCanadian Presidential Election? There is no singular answer to that question, aside from perhaps the fact that he is the best candidate for the job.

ElPatoDiablo and I developed a relationship last month, as I was figuring out my own political destiny. I was toying with the idea of running for the Presidency of Clan Wolf. The departure of Tyrael Snow meant that Canada’s, then, largest party was leaderless. I decided to jump right in. I wasn’t convinced that I had much of a chance, but as it turned out I won. I was in constant communication with ElPatoDiablo during this time. We toyed with the idea that if I was elected, that I would see if I could get my members to support him in the next Presidential election. This idea was out there even before I was elected. It is a goal that I have worked for ever since.

But why? Why not run for the Presidency myself or support a candidate from within my own party? The short answer is this; neither I, nor anyone in Clan Wolf is ready. We’d act as little more than a vote split. We’d do more harm than good.

As a party we’ve spent the last month trying to keep the boat afloat. The departure of Tyrael Snow left Clan Wolf without an identity. Tyrael Snow is a powerfully polarizing figure in eCanadian politics. You love him or you hate him. His supporters are ardently loyal. He built Clan Wolf into the largest party in the nation. We’ve been shelled without him, but we didn’t quit, we fought on. We teamed with the CPF to soundly defeat the Coalition in the Congressional Elections. We elected 9 members to Congress. Two more members than the month before. We’ve had some tiny victories, but we are still just treading water. Membership is down, we are no longer eCanada’s largest political party. The political winds are not, at this time, blowing in our direction. So what can we do? We can do what is best for the country and that is, support the best candidate for President. We are not selling out to the CPF, we are not admitting defeat, we are simply performing our civic duty. We are doing what is right. ElPatoDiablo is the man of the moment, he is eCanada’s best hope.

Clan Wolf will rise again. There has been a high level of political involvement during my term as Party President. I encouraged it. If I leave any sort of positive legacy, it will be just that. I hope I inspired younger members to get involved. I hoped that in the coming weeks and months that Clan Wolf will, with the help of its newly engaged members, pull up itself up by its boot strings and once again reclaim its position as eCanada’s largest party. We aren’t there right now. We’ll get there, but this is not our time to shine. This is ElPatoDiablo’s time the to shine. He is the man of the hour. I am asking my members to support his candidature for President. I truly believe that he is the best man for the job.

Thanks for reading,
Keep your sticks on the ice,
Be excellent to each other,

Quimbie Muffins (Party President of Clan Wolf)