Where darkness reigns supreme

Day 1,165, 12:35 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian
This writing is not trolling - sorry Martinoz. And no, I haven`t smoked anything either. Well, at least not consciously so, sorry Didey 😉
This writing is mostly about how our programming function and how do we "act" given certain stimuli.
And yes, eRepublik included.

An hour ago I was reading a comment by a Hungarian player as a remark to something I said about the scientifically proven DNA structure of the modern day Hungarian population. What I said was what some Budapest scientists affirmed, and that the modern day Hungarian blood is mostly Slav, German and Romanian, and has only 5% Magyar in it. So basically the Hungarian people and the Hungarian language is something made up.
The Hungarian player comment was that Hungary is 2000 years old.

I`m not going to get into a political debate here.
My point was to study how our minds work. From an early age we are conditioned to be a certain way, by our parents, teachers, colleagues, employers,you name it.
One is born in Gyor and is taught that hes a descendant of Attila the Hun. They keep filling his head with how Hungarians are superior, how they were here first, how the Romanians were some shepherds from Albania who somehow became gypsies and how they stole Transylvania. The child will grow hating his neighbour. And if not his neighbour, maybe his friends or his spouse even if they are of the same breed.
On the other side of the fence, in Cluj a kid is being taught how hes a descendant of Decebalus and how Romanians come from the mixture of Dacians and Romans and how Magyars came here from Mongolia around 1000 AD and stolen our land. This child will also grow hating his neighbour, and if not then the other football team supporters or those that dress in pink.
Same stuff, 2 different people that were conditioned they live in a world where if you want to be first somewhere you have to step over dead bodies. And basically this is how the mind works. The mind only knows duality. The mind cannot exist in a pure white environment if you don`t have a black dot somewhere. If the darkness reigns supreme and your eye has never seen light, can you have any sort of judgment whatsoever? Can "you" exist?
Can you exist if there is not another human being with whom you can compare yourself? How tall would you be if everybody is same height? How can you tell your girlfriend`s eyes are green if there is no blue to differentiate. Basically I am Romanian because next to me there`s a Hungarian (or any other nation). He is what he is because he can compare himself to me.
The moment we stop comparing each-other the duality disappears and you discover he is just like you, just another human being. More than that if you look deeper at how his mind works and how he acts, you might discover that he is a mirror image of yourself. What you give is what you get and all that stuff.

So getting back to the comment at hand, I remember I found it quite funny the way it contradicted "my" story, and my "ego", and I was eager to laugh at him and prove how I`m right and he`s wrong. And thing is, even if I am right, how does that help me be "better"? I will still be the same and so is he. We will still look at each-other with a raised eyebrow and we will still dwell in the same darkness we did until now.
And that is all because of how society conditioned us. Society, as it is now can only exist in the presence of conflict. How could men be manipulated against each-other if they actually start caring for other values, like love and empathy?
Unfortunately, ideas like this are nothing but fairy stories and we are still lurking in the dark. It`s good for teh lullz though. However teh lullz cannot save us in real life...