What is your political future?

Day 699, 03:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
When you are looking to join a party you should look for strong core values such as.

Civil liberties - Civil liberties and individual rights. The freedom to say as they please, the freedom of not having compete with the government in the work place, and the freedom to enjoy products at good prices, through hard work of their own. Yet with the individual rights and liberties all citizens should have the responsibility of maintaining their prices low, helping their fellow citizens and employees to the best of their ability. - These are the requirements for all to be able to have a meaningful life in the eUK.

Political mindset - Transparent, nonpartisan, inclusive government that is focused on running the country and spreads the important work of governance over many instead of few.

Party equality - It is important to find a party that passionatly believes that each member is equal and has equal say in all party related policy, intra-party voting and so on. No matter decided by the party is decided by one person, under any circumstance.

Party Cooperation - It is of the utmost importance to co-operate firmly with each and every member in the political realm of the eUK. It does no justice to the UK, especially controlling a majority of the Commons if as a party you do not cooperate for the betterment of your country.

Market Freedom - It is important to have a market free of direct government intervention. Citizens should never be competing against private enterprise, which will only affect the domestic private market from being able to compete. A self-regulated enterprise is the best way to maintain our economy flexible and safe. It also serves to maintain productive citizens and companies in the eUK. This type of system allows the most competitive, most professional GM's achieve what they put in, and like wise the unprofessional GM's get back what they put in.

Foreign Affairs - The UK is not a large nation so whatever part you should chose, you should pick one that believes in strong alliances with foreign powers to keep our borders secure, and one that aims to protect smaller nations from the depredations of the large aggressors in the world.

If like me, you value these things you should consider joining the http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/united-kingdom-reform-party-123/1>United Kingdom Reform Party

If you chose to join us in game make sure you join us on the http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php>external forum and our http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=45>private forum

thank you for reading
