What goes around...

Dan 1,880, 18:08 Objavljeno u United Kingdom Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo od Danie Fox

... comes around. In this case to France, our southern enemy, who have just signed a humiliating treaty effectively surrendering to Poland and Serbia. In it, they agree to "lease" their RL capital, Paris, from Poland for £15,000 a month, and to return any other regions that are liberated to their current owners (16 of which are Polish, 5 Serbian). They also agree not to support any resistance wars which may appear in their original regions.

How mainland France will look if the treaty is implemented.

The terms of this treaty are particularly harsh largely due to France's breaking of their previous treaty with Poland, which was more similar to the one currently in force between Poland and Germany, in which Germany gets half of their country without having to pay rent in return for leaving the rest of Germany alone. Another thing to consider is the fact that France have been occupied almost constantly since July - almost twice as long as the UK was last winter - not good for retention in any country.

Another analysis of France's reasoning is that they have just paid £15K for a month with a congress and a NE proposal to use against Poland when it is vulnerable, say when it is next fighting Turkey or Romania. This is probably how it will be defended domestically, and if the NE is used correctly could be quite a smart move in the short term. It would make France look deceitful of course, but given their reputation from breaking their last few treaties it would not be entirely unexpected.

insert stereotype here

Poland however, knows that France cannot be trusted. It is taking this risk largely to try and reduce the number of serious RWs that their ally Serbia is having to fight. At the moment this may be as high as 9, due to the large number of countries Serbia is occupying to maintain full bonuses. The loss of any French region would cut off their access to rubber from Aquitaine, reducing the productivity of their many thousands of citizens.

The text of the agreement, taken from an official Polish newspaper, is below:

Agreement between eFrance, eSerbia and ePoland.

- French representative: Kinea LaReine, President of eFrance
- Polish representative: Coehoorn, President of ePoland
- Serbian representative: igajunior, President of eSerbia

1. ePoland will release 1 occupied region: Paris Isle of France.

2. ePoland will hold 16 regions: Alsace, Auvergne, Brittany, Burgundy, Champagne Ardenne, Franche-comte, Limousin, Loire Valley, Lorriane, Lower Normandy, North Calais, Pays de la Loire, Picardy, Poitu Charents, Rhone Alps Upper Normandy. These regions will not be given up at any moment to any other country.

3. eSerbia will hold 5 regions: Aquitaine, Corsica, Languedoc Rousillon, Midi-Pyrenees, Provence Alpes Azur. These regions will not be given up at any moment to any other country.

4. eFrance will not start or support any resistance war in regions mentioned in points 2 and 3.

5. If ePoland lose control over one of regions from point 2:
- eFrance will NE ePoland on request of ePoland,
- when all regions from point 2 are in control of ePoland a peace treaty will be signed and NE will be closed,
- all regions from point 1 (if are in control of ePoland) will be given back to eFrance.

6. If eSerbia lose control over one of regions from point 3:
- eFrance will NE eSerbia on request of eSerbia,
- when all regions from point 3 are in control of eSerbia NE will be closed.

7. This agreement starts with the date of signing and will be renewed every 12th of month at 12:00 eRepublik time automatically, if parties will not agree otherwise.

8. eFrance will pay the nation of ePoland the lease price of the province of Paris Isle of France, at a cost of 15000cc in the begining of each monthly period.

This treaty will come into immediate effect when the following 2 conditions have been met:
- Country Presidents mentioned above agree with this proposal,
- Sides have published this treaty in the official state newspaper of their countries.

Kinea LaReine, SIGNED 12.01.2013
CP of eFrance

Coehoorn, SIGNED 12.01.2013
CP of ePoland

igajunior, SIGNED 12.01.2013
CP of eSerbia

Danie Fox

[update on the war with Norway, which is not a TW]