What do you want from the Welcoming Committee?

Day 536, 00:41 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

I was recently named the new chairman of the Welcoming Committee by Scrabman, and am thrilled to be in this role and part of the cabinet.

I have a lot of ideas for the Welcoming Committee, but before I launch them in full-force (you'll probably see my first Welcoming Committee Times article early next week), I wanted to get feedback from all of you.

What do you want to see from the Welcoming Committee? Please comment or PM me with ideas. Also, if you want to be a part of the Welcoming Committee, please let me know.

My ideas:

Use the Welcoming Committee Times regularly and effectively

I want to publish articles weekly (at minimum), focusing on making the new people feel welcome. Aside from the expected (pointing them to the forums and giving them tips and advice), I also want to interview some prominent members of eUSA and get them to share their experiences about when they started out. I've heard from so many people in this game who said they almost quit early on, and I want new people to know that this game does get better.

I want the articles to show new people what they can do in this game. I figure there are four major roles people do in this game (many do more than one but all do at least one):

Business Owner

I want to quote people from all four groups in the newspaper, letting them tell their experiences and recommendations to new people. If you're interested in being quoted, please let me know. I promise I won't take too much of your time.

Mass-messaging campaign

This is how we get new people to read the newspaper. I want to use the Welcoming Committee organization to mass message and friend as many new people as possible in all 51 states. The message would be simple, essentially encouraging them to be active and pointing them to a newspaper. I would love help with this, I'm aware this will take time and is a big undertaking.

Expanding the Mentoring Program

I plan to ask for more mentors and encourage more new people to ask for a mentor. New people have a lot of questions, and being a mentor often teaches you more about the game.

I don't have access to the Mentoring Program spreadsheets yet, but in the meantime, please post here or PM me if you're interested in being a mentor (or getting a mentor).

Why this is important

The more new people who are active, the stronger this country is. It's that simple.

Please, give me any feedback you have.


-- ligtreb
Welcoming Committee chairman