Welcome, to the Erepublik, the great empire of Turkey-Hungary?

Day 572, 18:42 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

As a military officer stationed in turkey for freedom fighting, I was alarmed today to notice the state of the freedom fighting. The Greeks, Israelis, and the U.S coalition forces managed to get central district of Israel back to its original country, and back to its rightful people.

BUT! Freedom suffered blows both on the battlefield, and in the political state of the world. Crete, a natural Greece land, was held in its current state of submission, as it the Crete resistance battle failed. The resistance battle in Peloponesia has also hit a major rut, a magical wall appearing from thin air against the Coalition forces. The newly opened resistance battle in Central GREECE, (NOT TURKEY. NOT HUNGARY....) opened up by Coalition forces with a major initial wall, has been fought back hard against in its first hours.

It appears now as if the smooth going for freedom in the world has hit a wall. And it now appears as if that wall comes from Hungary. Hungary announced today to the world that it has began sending troops and resources to aid the Turkish keep their pirated areas. The freedom fighting has now hit another PEACE nation.. a nation that was two days ago SOOOO willing for the U.S and it to be buddies.

To the Turks - Dont be fooled. Your being played a PEACE pawn.
To the Hungarians - Dont fool yourself. You dont care about Turkey, or the existance of free nations. You just want to harm America in any way possible. In the lowliest way possible.
To the Coalition Forces - Keep on fighting, together we can win this.