We are capable of greatness and simple equations. (JP/EN)

Day 1,660, 04:26 Published in Japan Japan by Darshu



E日本社会の希望に従い、皆様の問題などを聞かせていただきたいと思います。 Lollies宣言は簡単です。 E日本国民のやりたいこと見つけて、できる限りに実現させます。無理な約束などは要りません。ですから、皆様のやりたいことに最善を尽くします。



内閣: 最終リストはまだ決まっていない。

皇帝 ExReality
大統領 Darshu
副大統領 Sumeragi Akeiko
防衛省 DankChronic
副防衛省 spider1986, Shirobu
財務省 Akki
副財務省 Geezus と Tom Medelsvensson
外務省 Alfred Ball と Kitarou Yuki
内務省 Nowe
歴史と文化省 Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya
副歴史と文化省 Zodiarque
国家安全保障省 Fruitcommando
顧問 Sophia Forrester, Chise E. Tamai
Darshuの口(くち) Yataisi, Hakaisha

Now conserving power


I live by the simple rule of spending half of my time enjoying great things other people have accomplished, while I dedicate my other half to do something great myself. To live up to my dreams, I left my home country and moved to Germany to do science and achieve something great myself. I now know that humans are capable of greatness.

It's been some time since I stepped down from the presidential chair, achieving the 'President of the Year' title only after two consecutive terms as the President of eJapan last year. It is a demanding role if you want to do it well, and also an impossible one if you want to do it perfectly. I am more confident, far seeing, capable and prudent today.

I wish to follow what the eJapanese society wants, listen to each of your wish and problems. The United Lollies' manifesto is simple: We listen to what the people want to do, and see what is possible to do, and we go for the common part. There is no point to promise you something we can't fulfill or you don't want. It's up to you what we want to achieve this month, and I'll see to it, that I will contribute my full time and power.

I will take full responsibility of every member of my cabinet. I will wish to keep every goals the previous CPs achieved, try to continue in their footsteps, but I will follow the decisions of the current congress and the citizens of eJapan.

Thank you.

Cabinet: still waiting for people to accept their titles, so check back for updates. Let me know if you want to be part of the cabinet.

Emperor: ExReality

President: Darshu
Vice President: Sumeragi Akeiko

Minister of Defense: DankChronic
Vice Minister of Defense: spider1986, Shirobu
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Alfred Ball, & Kitarou Yuki & me
Minister of Finance:Akki
Vice Minister of Finance: Geezus & Tom Medelsvensson
Minister of Interior: Nowe
Minister of Culture and History: Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya
Head of Graphics: Zodiarque
Minister of Security: Fruitcommando
Advisers: Sophia Forrester, Chise E. Tamai
Mouth of Darshu: Yataisi, Hakaisha

For peace and tranquility