Voting Record and Congressional Activity 6/26 to 7/3

Day 591, 18:03 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

In my campaign to be Illinois' congressman, I made a promise to publish my voting record and keep you updated of what I've been doing in Congress. This is the first installment of that.

I was assigned to the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee, where debates about potential alliances with countries happen. I also voted for Ananias to be Speaker of the House.


I am not including the LULZ proposals made by last month's congress at the end of their terms, which had no chance of passing and were made to give congressman extra experience points.

For a>Google Doc with this info, go here.

July 3,>Donate
644 GRD to the Congressional Budget Office
My Vote: YES
Current Status: 41 Yes, 0 No
Reason: Foreign currency is useless in our treasury, might as well change it to Gold.

July 1,>Donate
99999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
My Vote: YES
Result: 47 Yes, 1 No
Reason: Periodically, Congress gives USD to the CBO to convert to gold and fund the military.

July 1,>Trade Embargo with Hungary
My Vote: YES
Result: 45 Yes, 1 No
Reason: Hungary is one of the handful of countries that has consistently been against us.

June 30,>Donate
863 RON to the Congressional Budget Office
My Vote: YES
Result: 45 Yes, 1 No
Reason: Foreign currency is useless in our treasury, might as well change it to Gold.

June 30,>Tax Change: Grain
Increase import tax to 5% from 1%
My Vote: YES
Result: 27 Yes, 16 No
Reason: I was not a fan of the change to 1% last month and think this increase will help American businesses and workers and still give some revenue to the government.

June 29,>Alliance with China
My Vote: YES
Result: 42 Yes, 7 No
Reason: This MPP can help us strategically, we can use more allies in Asia. I am in favor of having MPPs with most countries (other than proven enemies).

June 28,>Donate
99999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
My Vote: YES
Result: 45 Yes, 0 No
Reason: Periodically, Congress gives USD to the CBO to convert to gold and fund the military.

June 28,>Tax Change: House
Lower import taxes to 7% from 25%
My Vote: NO
Result: 26 Yes, 20 No
Reason: I prefer tax changes go slowly, though I'm not that opposed to the concept in this bill. While I don't agree with last month's lowering of import taxes to 1%, I think 7% is low enough where we could see some taxes from foreigners without hurting American workers and businesses too much.

June 27,>Donate
99999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
My Vote: YES
Result: 45 Yes, 0 No
Reason: Periodically, Congress gives USD to the CBO to convert to gold and fund the military.

June 27,>Tax Change: Gift
Lower import Taxes to 10% from 25%
My Vote: YES
Result: 31 Yes, 13 No
Reason: While I don't agree with last month's lowering of import taxes to 1%, I think 10% is low enough where we could see some taxes from foreigners without hurting American workers and businesses too much.


-- Ligtreb
Illinois congressman (USWP)