Voting Record 5/26 to 5/29

Day 556, 20:46 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

In my campaign, I promised to reveal my voting record in this newspaper. Now that I am Vermont's congressman, this is the first installation of that promise.

For those of you who like Google Docs, I have also>made a spreadsheet with this information.


May 29, Peace Proposal with Sweden
My Vote: YES
Current total: 15 Yes, 17 No (Voting ends in 12 hours)
Reason: I really don't like Sweden's recent actions in Germany, but ultimately, they have a history of being an ally of ours and are fairly strong militarily. I agree with President Scrabman in that we can't afford to be the World Police, as much as we all want to be. Also, declaring peace would open up that market for our businesses.

May 28, Mutual Protection Pact: Malyasia
My Vote: YES
Result: 47 Yes, 0 No
Reason: Malaysia has agreed to pay for the MPP, I'll take an alliance with almost anyone if they'll pay for it 🙂

May 27, Mutual Protection Pact: Germany
My Vote: NO
Result: 10 Yes, 38 No
Reason: As much as I'd love to help Germany, they're at major risk for a Political Take Over and aren't in a position to help us much. MPPs (Alliances) can get expensive, and I don't see how this helps us strategically.

May 27, Donate 99,999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office
My Vote: YES
Result: 51 Yes, 0 No
Reason: Periodically, Congress issues USD to the Congressional Budget Office to sell for Gold. This helps stabilize our dollar and make up for lost dollars from dead citizens.


These proposals were made my congressmen on their way out before the last Congress ended. They were made with no intention of passing, with the sole purpose of giving the exiting Congress an extra experience point (since you get an extra experience for every vote). Since votes are open for 24 hours, I was able to vote on these.

May 26, Donate
My Vote: NO
Result: 5 Yes, 62 No

May 26, Minimum Wage
My Vote: NO
Result: 8 Yes, 59 No

May 26, Citizen Fee
My Vote: NO
Result: 6 Yes, 60 No

May 26, President Impeachment
My Vote: NO
Result: 10 Yes, 56 No

May 26, Tax Change: House
My Vote: NO
Result: 8 Yes, 55 No

May 26, Issue Money
My Vote: NO
Result: 8 Yes, 46 No

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Thank you,

Vermont Congressman (USWP)