Vote if....

Day 899, 21:07 Published in USA USA by Neal Mcwiggles

Vote this up if...

You have ever gotten a FP on purpose to make it even
Like from 1.5 to 2

You have ever taken the day of work/school to play Erep

You have ever cried over eRep
Emericks banned? Don't cry don't cry don't cry

You have seriously considered flying over to where Admin lives and punching him
No disrespect to Admin of course

You have spent more time on newspaper articles and school essays
So much easier to write about ePolitics than mars

You have ever tried to talk to your friends about eRep
Prettyyyy embarrassing

You thought about putting Dioism as your official religion on the census
Betchya at least one person did

That's all I have for today!