Vote Aersidius in Palawan

Day 1,160, 08:44 Published in Philippines USA by Aersidius

It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles. ~Niccolo Machiavelli

Hello citizens of the Philippines,

I've signed up as a congressional candidate in Palawan as a member of the Philippines Zombie Party.

About me:

-Currently serving in the Pacmen
-Five prior terms served in Congress
-Media Mogul winning writer of A Thought For Today


Military: I believe that our military, the Pacmen, needs battles on a more regular basis to increase the soldiers' ranks, thus increasing damage output. I am for ePhilippines establishing a mutual protection pact, or alliance, with a major power involved in daily battles so that all citizens can rank up.

Taxes: Taxes should never create an unbearable burden for the citizen, though at the same time, certain aspects of government require funding. I believe that we should increase government revenue not by increasing taxes, but by increasing the amount of profitable businesses and citizens working at full health (thus earning a higher wage for increased output, which increases the amount of taxes the government collects on them).

Alliances: The alliances of the New World are shifting. Nations who may not have been allies in the past are making friendships while some old friendships are passing. I believe we should be open but cautious in regards to the friends we keep, and never forget who burns us.

I am endorsed by House...

If electe😛

-I will be an active voice for all and will check the congressional forums regularly.

-I will donate the gold award for winning to either the Bank of the Philippines or the Pacmen.

-I will only give out citizenship to those who have passed the application process.

-I will be available to the public. You can always send me an in-game message. If you prefer live chat, I am on IRC most days between 16:00-21:00 eRep time, sometimes longer, if anyone has any questions or needs help with anything.

Patrick thinks I'm a good candidate...

Hopefully you will as well.

~Aersidius, Philippines Zombie Party candidate in Palawan