Vietnam through the music and potato for NVOUI

Day 4,907, 09:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Completed the endorsement mission at 200 articles so this is just for fun or kraic

This article talks about the UNITED eIreland ofc besides history there is a lot of reasons the potato should be the NVOUI the National Vegetable ofthe United Ireland

here is an article explaining why:

13 Reason why Potato should be National Vegetable of Ireland

I like potato salad but it originated in germany

Here is vietnam through music . I can remember when I was still in school reading a book of short stories by vietnam vets which was very interesting.

There was a series on Vietnam or Cambodia(think cambodia) and this song fitted it perfectly:

and finally a song about the actual vietnam war

and this is a very interesting article about the most terrifying sounds of vietnam