Vee's Platform

Day 1,745, 04:05 Published in South Africa USA by Vanessa1309

After a challenging first time term as CP, I would like the opportunity to run a second term to finalise some of the projects that were started this term.

These include:

* Project Baby Boom, it had a little rush, but we will be pushing for more babies and offering rewards for those that bring people in. Besides getting gold and increasing our numbers, you will also be eligible for reward!

* Unifying eSAAF, much has been done already here however, we are still finalising funds and we have a few MU's yet to haul into the fold. Please understand that we do not want private MU's to lose their identity at all, you will remain in your individual MU's and will have different symbols for them at the bottom left corner on the eSAAF uniform. You will,however be split according to division so your platoons would be arranged as such. When you go into battle, it would be as a division. We need to get organised, we have many great minds and many great fighters, we need to work together to make some real changes.

* Supply co-ordination for all eSAAF troops, Crumoet has already made some great headway here, but this is also as yet unfinished. We want to have the MUST initiative off the ground and running smoothly. There is much to be done to achieve this and I am greatly appreciative that we have able people for the task ahead. We will need funds to get going, please know that your money will be utilised well and donate generously.

* Bringing the world to Assegai, I would like to see all the world's top hitters in Assegai as it was meant to be. We will be advertising Assegai with humorous and inspirational articles. Since we have many foreigners already, we can get as many as possible writing these articles so that players from all over the world will see them and join our ranks.

* The mentorship program used to be something that would not only assist newbies, but get them keen on staying active and growing to be our best players, I am very proud of Rexdeus and Wacky368 whom I mentored! I will be pushing for more mentors and work done on allocating mentors and maintaining the program. I'm looking for 20 mentors in the program.

* We had some very fine work done by our ambassadors this term. I would have more of them, therefore more information from around the world would be accessable to us. I'm looking for at least 10 ambassadors this term.

* Encouraging more people to run for congress, we need you, step forward and help us grow this country. Encourage and advise each other. Party Presidents, get your people in, let them know what is expected of them and mentor your people in your party. Each person should get to the point where they can be PP, teach each other so there are more options when it's election time. You will also entice activity within your party and the game and accomplish a sense of camraderie.

* Many congress members and cabinet frequent irc, and no congress seems to meet anywhere for congress. I would have a congress channel where the president can discuss matters right away. There may be one set up already but no one is using it, this must change. Even if we don't get communication from all congress, at least we can have from some. Sometimes a president needs to make a snap decision as I did and I would have appreciated a place where I could inform congress of a proposal made and the reasoning behind it, for example.
* A cabinet channel is already set up, I would like more cabinet to attend, as well as advisors.I'm not saying everyone MUST be there, only that those that are on irc, are there too.

* We will be pushing people to irc as much as possible to get to know each other, there are sometimes long lapses in conversation on #esouth_africa channel, we could do with more voices. We will get to speak to and understand so many more people. I would like nothing better than to have DB and UP more on irc, you guys hardly have any showing there. It's also crucial for battle orders so please people, it's all about timing. If you see on the channel that we need damage, yours could be the deciding factor in a battle at that moment. Maybe even someone you know can join you on the battlefield if you had that information at that time.

* Cabinet address, this is something that I WILL do next term so that all know where we stand and what needs to be done.

Finally, I can say that I have had a load of fun this term, challenging as it was. I made many new friends and learnt a lot about our people. I was actually spinning out on irc Saturday night in our Free State battle! lol! Family didn't get much attention for 11 hours straight! I was in awe of the brute force of South Africa, when I went to sleep, we were at 20 to 14 to us. No matter what anyone says, I am proud to be a South African! It was truck loads of fun, but really hectic, I have far more admiration for our leaders in defense and of course, the fighters of eSouth Africa!

For the boys 🙂

and the girls 🙂

I am running for a second term to fulfil the promises I have made to you and myself. So what do you say eSA?

Vote for me 😃