URGENT: World War threat, citizen briefings from the White House

Day 598, 09:31 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

This is an official and allowed reprint of Deputy Chief of staff Piginzens article here:

It's a critical moment for the eUS. The government needs emergency funding to properly execute it's war plans and properly fund the military. We have received word that our potential adversaries have increased their income taxes in preparation. We must do the same. In furtherance of this I have proposed and received approval to post a Law moving income taxes to 30% on all products except for iron and weapons. This funding is very important for our survival.

I am aware of the political ramifications of jacking Income Tax rates up to 30%. I too am a business owner (Wood & Housing) and will feel the pinch of this increase. Now is not the time to equivocate and debate, now is the time for preparation. Every citizen must be called upon to fight. Every citizen must do whatever he or she can to protect our nation. Taxes are a large part of the equation.

The US Government has good intelligence as to the legitimacy of the coming threat. If we can avoid war, so much the better. All departments of the Administration as well as members of Congress are doing whatever they can to prepare us for the possibility of war. Likewise we are also diligently working on avoiding war through diplomacy and preparations. If our adversaries come to doubt their plans due to our efforts then our energy and money expended will not be for naught.

In the event that we or our allies are not attacked the tax increases will be rescinded in 7 days after their passage.

Support your country! Tax increases for war expenditures are all of our patriotic duty.

Senator, Massachusetts
Deputy Chief of Staff to the President

This is one Senator from Oregon who will be voting yes on the increased income taxes.