Update From The CPizzle

Day 1,364, 16:55 Published in South Africa USA by GoneAndGone

This may end up being a long article, in which case a tl;dr has been provided at the end of this by our local Dogg Mr. Wet.

So, lets start with Brazil. Yesterday, they began the rental paying process. They donated 48g, 10g worth of BRL, and the ZAR to cover half of the lost MPPs when the NE was signed. This is a great start. Brazil will continue to donate the required BRL ASAP. I personally am quite glad that they are paying this rent. It shows their overall commitment to both eSA, and the contract. I personally thank Brazil President Raiken for making great strides to up hold the deal,and consider eSA in many of his decisions as of late.

Lets move on to talk about the Natural Enemy with Brazil. It has been long past 7 days. My cabinet and I discussed today the option of possibly keeping it open, so that if some Indos or anyone else decided to mess with the deal by using RWs, and then winning them for eSouth Africa, so that a new Natural Enemy Would have to be signed. This was basically shot down. Instead, we are now looking at new MPPs.These MPPs will provide fights, and, if needed, help defend us in case of war. We are exploring a few possibilities, and I will report more when more information comes up.

Also today, Chief of Staff Grimstone, and I, continued the State of War/Emergency that has existed for 6 days. This will continue for another 6 days. What this means is any MPPs proposed by me, or Declarations of War, should be voted upon as YES by congress without prior discussion. Don't expect a DoW though, this is mainly to speed along the MPP process.

Also, on the subject of trouble, I have nothing new to report upon in regards to Indonesia. We haven't been in contact as of late, but, it still seems like they wish to barrel through us to get into Brazil.

So, here's Mr. Wet's tl;dr verison:

Brazil will be un attacking soon.
Indo is being fgts.
We are working on fixing shit.

Well, there you go. Thanks for reading.

-Tenshibo, CPizzle 4 rizzle.