TURP Bulletin News: July 16th

Day 2,065, 06:33 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Hello guys! It been a while since my last article and even longer since my last TURP Bulletin, so I will try to make at least three every week.

So with this new month Alexandrer and I have some NEW things we'd like to accomplish this month:

Get to National rank 6
Update: Rank 7 because of the second AFA split into America Do It Right

Bring back the APP Projects and make it into the TURP Projects

Create a Constitution

Implement Meta-Game PP elections

Throughout this week I will be writing on each of those goals individually, and explain our ideas and resoninigs for making it our goal. We all know why we want to get to National Rank 7/6, so I will not write an article on that. The series of articles will go down the list above in that exact order.