Day 1,413, 22:30 Published in USA USA by weasel2

It’s been a full day and I’m kind of tired but miles to go.
So I find myself motoring along with practiced skill.
It is the time to be dark, and it is.
No overhead lamps on this highway.
All I can really see are the lines on the pavement
And the white reflectors, above and to the sides.
Oh, and a pair of friendly tail-lights that float far ahead.
It’s like some primitive video game,
A black screen, broken by lines, square dots and two red blobs.
And the occasional sign.
No monsters in this game though, unless the twin white glares
Or worse, the blue tinted glares are the bad guys.
Trained reflex keeps my hands steady and my wheels between the lines.
How I hate those new, intense headlights.
A rather boring video game.
I go around a curve and see red lights spread above me.
They blink in unison.
ON . . . OFF . . . ON . . . OFF
What the … Oh.
Air traffic warning lights on the wind turbines.
There must be thirty red lights spread across the top of my screen.
ON . . . OFF . . . ON . . . OFF
I come to the top of the hill and start down to the river.
Wow, now there are hundreds of red lights spread before me.
ON . . . OFF . . . ON . . . OFF
My foot is on the brake and I slow on the downhill, before thinking about it.
I bet the average American’s top three uses of time are sleeping,
Looking at a video screen
And driving.
Rats, I missed my exit.