To our Turkish... friends...

Day 570, 15:52 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

The United States, Croatia, and the loyal people of Greece and Israel have banded together for freedom, and to gain back lands originally theirs.

It is in the bests interests of the U.S, and indeed the world, to have many free nations that can add to the international dialogue. That is why we are here.
It is in the best interests of Freedom to see that all nations are free. That is why we are here.
It is in the best interests of our close allys to see that our allys are whole. That is why we are here.

I remember when I first got to turkey, and I checked the officials shout out list, there was a congressman with the message "Yankee go home". That is indeed nearly the message a great portion of the turkish pirated nation says, except it says "Turk go home". And since they will not leave peacefully and gain allys themselfs, The U.S and its allys are here to expell them from lands not theirs.

Some may question the motives of the U.S, but our motives are clear; we are here because we have learned firsthand the folly of imperialism. And just like the lesson taught to the U.S by PEACE, including Turkey, about the folly of imperialism, the U.S will teach them the folly. How Ironic. Unlike the Turks, we seek not one nation to impose a minorities rule, but many nations to work together for the benefit of the many.

Long Live Greece!
Long Live Israel!