Thoughts on the Congress of the Great Nation

Day 921, 12:04 Published in USA USA by Aersidius

First of all, thanks to the citizens of California for electing me to represent you in congress this term. I believe that during this term we will see many improvements in the governing of the 'Great Nation.' Congress has begun an evolution, or a molting, into something it has never been. The end result is something I'm anxious to see, as I expect it to strengthen the 'Great Nation,' USA, forever.

Congress has began this session strong. The Federalists had impressive gains in the elections for this congress, and arrived in congress with a vibrant delegation of qualified representatives. SEES also achieved additional seats with quality representation this term. TAMA, formerly known as LIBS, has seen growth in areas of organization and leadership. I congratulate and thank these parties for their respective achievements.

Improvement in the quality of political parties in the 'Great Nation' will grant us a congress of active leaders. V2 is a storm on the horizon. It's arrival must not be the day our nation falters, but the day our greatness is proclaimed worldwide.


Current Congress News:(if this isn't interesting or you don't have time, just skip this section and begin reading below the statue of liberty)

Congressional Treasure Map Donations: A tradition in congress is for those winning congressional elections to donate the gold reward to one of their favorite programs, retention efforts, or military groups. Members are not required to participate in this, but many do. Click here to see who gave their gold to which group.

New Speaker: Congress recently elected Necrosis, representing Connnecticut, as the new Speaker of the House(SoH). Necrosis is the first representative from the SEES party to hold this position, this also marks the first time during my elife that the SoH position has not been held by the largest party. I am proud to have been one of the five who nominated Necrosis, he showed himself to be a great legislator in the last congress.

The vote count for SoH was 24 for Necrosis(SEES), 7 for Jewitt(UIP), 6 for Eliwood_Sain(Fed), and 3 abstains. The three congressmen abstaining from voting were the three nominated candidates. Click here to see how each congressperson voted. Notice that even though 59 people were elected, only 40 showed up for this vote.

Definitions: I realize some of you reading this may not understand some of the terms I'm using in the article, so I'm going to take a moment to explain abstaining and quorum.

A congressperson is allowed to abstain in forum votes. Abstaining does not count as a vote for a specific candidate, or for yes or no, when cast during a standard proposal. It adds to the total votes cast for the proposal to reach quorum.

Quorum is the number of total votes a proposal must reach to be enacted (if there are more yes votes) or fail (if the no's prevail). Any vote/bill/proposal not reaching quorum fails.

Quorum Adjustment: Our current preliminary quorum is 28. Due to problems of inactivity in congresspeople last term, a discussion developed regarding the adjustment of quorum. This should help prevent congress from having it's hands tied by those who fail to act. Click here to review the proposal and votes on the quorum adjustment.

Diamond Income Taxes: Towards the end of the last session, Dan Wang began a well-reasoned discussion on our current income tax rate on diamonds. The USA does not currently own a high diamonds region, thus anyone entering this segment of raw materials production in our nation will create inefficiency in our economy. To prevent this, congress passed a 50% diamond income tax on our off-site forums with a vote of 23-7. As you can see, once again many of your elected officials failed to show an opinion. Click here to see the vote on the forum, or click here to see the in-game vote.

I hope this article enlightened some of you to the workings of congress. Much of our forums is available for those in the public interested. If you are considering a congressional run in the future, reading the boards is a great way to be up-to-date when you arrive. If you come across something you do not understand, I am available to help explain. Always feel free to send a message any of your elected officials.

War is coming, let the vision of our greatness be emblazoned on our enemies eyes and minds forever. We can do it, we have the power. The congress, president, military are joined with you. Noble citizens, now is the time for decisive actions.

California Elected Congressman,
A Defender of the 'Great Nation'