Thoughts from Sinai and Thoughts for the Future

Day 1,586, 15:45 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak
This is the field where the battle did not happen,
where the unknown soldier did not die.
This is the field where grass joined hands,
where no monument stands,
and the only heroic thing is the sky.

Birds fly here without any sound,
unfolding their wings across the open.
No people killed—or were killed—on this ground
hallowed by neglect and an air so tame
that people celebrate it by forgetting its name.


Greetings eIsrael

Well I'm sure you are just disappointed with the past weeks events as I am, culminating with this loss of Sinai and the threats of PTO looming for tomorrow. We have to recall that we have seen worse days, and that no matter what happens, as always, eIsrael will bounce back.

I normally don't write much, and I stay out of the public eye, mostly because my time has come and gone. I enjoy watching newcomers bask in their success and learn from their successes, mistakes, and repercussions. When they do learn from them, become wiser about this game, and wiser in general. This game does have an effect on a person on the outside world as well, from the way you debate to the way you decide what stance to hold and how you've come to that stance. This can simply be seen as a lesson learned.

We had numerous opportunities to settle a truce with eCyprus, and we simply did not do so. For playing this game two and a half years, all in eIsrael, I can tell you we benefit most from settling arguments peacefully. Here we are with our normal regions, on the possible brink of a loss of congressional seats due to pto. We need to rethink our way around this.

eCyprus and ourselves should never have had this issue. All it took was some negotiations. We need to learn from this and move forward. We have a strong cabinet, and once we get past this pto, as we always do, we will have a strong Knesset. These next few weeks are going to say a lot about our country. Let's hope it's for the best.

As always, newcomers, if you need anything, let me know! Vets, if you just want to talk, I'd love to. Let's roll, eIsrael.

As always your humble servant,
Sammy Krak