THIS I'll fight for!!!! CaptainCAPS for Oregon!!!

Day 581, 08:01 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

Recently, my opponent Dramaus Katan has taken his time to write to the people of Oregon a mud-slinging article about me, most notably, attacking me 'from coming out of the blue'.

Dramaus Katan promised me in the begining of this campaign, a nice, and civil campaign. That was mostly to his benefit, as if we ever did turn to this, he would lose out badly. But, in a mass mail P.M one of my supporters forwarded to me, he took most of his time attacking me instead of showing where he stands on anything. The only thing, though, that he could attack me on, was the appeareance of me coming out of the blue.

FIRST OFF. I ran for congressman of Oregon a month before the idea even struck him. I live in Oregon, was born in Oregon, and have ran an election in Oregon, again, before Dramaus Katan. I happened to run against Ssomo, on his first time running. However, Ssomo and I managed to keep the debate very civil and respectful. Unfortuanatly, Dramaus Katan could not. It is one thing to tell the truth about someone even if it inconvieniences them; for example the fact Dramaus Katan has not up to this point, even registered on the Eusforums. Or the fact he has not even joined up with the national guard (which would prove that he is above two clicker status). Or even the fact that his newspaper is dormant until election cycle every month.... but it is another thing to lie, not just to himself, but to mislead to the point of lieing, the constituency of the great state of Oregon.

It is this, that i will FIGHT against in congress. The misleaders, the liers, and most importantly, the idle. The great silent masses of congress are but a silent majority; voting, perhaps, but never throwing in ideas, or being active on the forums. That I will fight against, working with the great and active members from across all parties, working to get an active congress.

This i'll fight for! The people of Oregon, by giving them a very active congressman, who has proved himself by most every facet in this game you could ask a person; through the forums, through the military, through businesses and active newspapers, and directly into politics.

This i'll fight for! Bipartisanship, as I bring with me the support of more than just the support of one party. I have the endorsements of the UIP, CVP, AAP, the Federalists, and many nationalists. Those show that I will not just fight for the interests of one party, but for the ideas and interests of all. I am independant, and cannot be pulled by any one party to do something that my voters do not want,

This i'll fight for! My country, the great country of the United States of America, in every way possible. Through economics, foriegn policy, military, and much more, I will fight for the U.S.A and the great state of Oregon. I will fight on the forums, I will fight on the P.Ms, and the IRC, and I will NEVER give up to the lazyness so many unproven congressmen fall into.

People of Oregon, come the 25th you have a choice; you can choose activity, ideas, and a person you can trust; or you can choose the person whos main qualification is that he was even endorsed by a party in the first place.

Vote CAPS for congress in Oregon.