Things Learned As A Recruit

Day 1,430, 11:02 Published in USA USA by weasel2
or maybe didn’t. I can be a little slow



2 click if at all possible. No time? Bored with eRep? Pissed off? Log on, work, train, WAM, do daily roll call (SOs like that), log off. You can quit next month.


A soldier is true to his salt

If the army supplied you with 900 health, you owe 90 fights as the orders direct. Don’t use army food to chase the mercenary medal.


Gentlemen! No fighting in the war room!

It is, generally speaking, not a good idea to talk in the IRC war room.


When the sun rises in the east, it is a sign there will be stew for dinner

It takes 3 soldiers communing to supply one soldier’s fighting food.


You won’t get rich in the army

Don’t fight more than you are fed (unless you are rich). Learn the tricks to do your fights and still save, invest and prosper with everything else you get. Affluent players are good for the country.


Be Prepared

A good solider will have the next day’s food and weapons in hand at reset.


Hurry up and wait.

The supply cycle is delayed one day. If you work your commune job on Wednesday you will be supplied on Thursday. If no workee Wednesday, no food and no fight-fight on Thursday. See ITHTFP.
