THE WORLD - as seen from a recently awaken comatose newspaper

Day 529, 18:34 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

We at the national siren have taken a while off the game, and came back on today to get a look at the way the world has turned out in the past month that we were in a coma. And it is interesting to say the least.

First off, the markets.

The raw materials market seems to be a bargain for those buying raw materials, but bad news for the companies that make them. Oil, wood, and grain were alot cheaper than what i remember.

The good news though comes to domestic iron companies - foriegners havnt grabbed control of the market. Those prices have stayed near the same, and they allow the domestic iron companies the ability to turn a small profit. A small profit that is larger than any other raw material manufacturer.


The world appears to have exploded recently. Which normally, in my opinion is good. War means wellness, experience, and epik plunder. So I give a thumbs up to the world. I give a thumbs down to the U.S

I give a thumbs down to the U.S for a couple of main reasons. For one, while the world is getting their bonuses from war, the U.S has wussed out, and gone peaceniky on us all. We gave the mexicans back baja (something I personally disagree with) without an agreement from portugal to give the southeast back to mexico. Nor have we came up with another training area for the populance. While the world strengthens, the U.S is stagnant. Also the one hour long attack on Portugal is laughable at best, and shamefull and worst. Really scrabman? For right now you lose my vote. And for the Peaceniks larger for him, dont expect a vote thrown at you either.

As I have only been on a large amount today, I leave many potentially large events untold and unscathed. Forgive us, as we will be sure to hit them later. Thank you for reading, fellow kick-ass Americans.