The tide has turned; our soldiers drown.

Day 476, 16:02 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

Earlier today, Mexico ceded the southeast to portugal, and PEACE got involved in the invasion. The three territories that we had in the bag 7 hours ago, are now hopelessly lost. We are seeing right now the premature end of the American Empire if things are not handled by our government correctly, and our allies countinue to ignore us.

At the end of the day, mexico will be a two region state, with portugal in the southeast. Peace, however, will not relent with the chance to destroy the U.S. Every day from here on out will be a battle somewhere on the northamerican continent. WHAT CAN BE DONE?!?!!?!?

Many things! For instance, your liberal, peacy, tree-baggers who refuse to fight in a war, need to fight in a war, or risk THEIR nation being take by another. They cry about poor little mexico being invaded, but now its America being invaded. Watch those treasonous bastards backstab their nation and say, "this is what we get". F@#k them!!!!

Atlantis needs to get its @$$ into gear into helping us. This whole war in mexico's justification has been to help ATLANTIS against PEACE. They need to repay us the fine we payed them, our we are screwed. Watch those foriegn scumbags in ATLANTIS keep their money, grinning while america falls. Its your pi$$ant country next, my fiend.

The government needs to start doling out the money it DOES have into any of the three categories, or a combination of them all. Set money aside to accounts that can be used to fund resistance wars in the worst-case scenario, that American States get invaded. Start gov. ran buisnesses that make all the things needed in a war, so we can get the best price for it. Dole the money out to the strongest, but poorest soldiers in our country so they can buy heavy weapons, and wellness packs to get back in the fight, and turn some tides themselfs.

As much as many may hate this, taxes need to be raised exponentially. IF they arnt, our government will not be our government for much longer. Many of you may be angry at uncle Sam, and many of you may blame him for the turn of the tide. Do not. Support your country, and support your president. The last thing this country needs is the impeachment of a good fighting president, and the installment of a capitulating wussy who wants to peace with PEACE.

Word to the wise. PEACE will not accept any peace treaty from us. They will not stop untill we are gone, or we have turned the tide. Fight. And Fight hard. Before the sh#t hits the fan.