The NoS

Day 878, 15:04 Published in USA USA by Neal Mcwiggles

The Novus ordo Seclorum, or New Order of the Ages in english is my new party. (Shortened to The NoS).

Before I talk more about my party I just want to tell you how BA of a name that is.
1. It's in Latin, and Latin is awesome.
2. It's on money
3. New Order of the Ages, that just sounds awesome.

OK, so The NoS is a new party created by me, Neal Mcwiggles. My goal is to make it more of a community than a lose group of members. Right now there really isn't a cabinet, and there probably won't be one till we get to about 80 members or so (if we even get that big).

Although my title is pretty sweet/

Grand Pu-pah Mcwiggles.

We don't exactly have political views yet, we will establish something of the sort soon, when we have more members.

Right now it's me, although some friends will be joining soon.

We have a cool logo.

We have nice people

We are running a guy for congress under a top 5

Our forums are here. (If your going to join the party, please join the forums.

Join NoS here.