The New Face of ATO

Day 2,186, 00:16 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

First some mood music. Lets chase the sun

I would like to sit down and have a little conversation with you about the new face of ATO and your place in it. So take a chair, put your feet up, and let’s have a chat.

It is a brand new day and a brand new eUS. Thanks to Frost and Artela we have been given a second chance, but now is not the time to sit back and rest on our laurels. We need to keep up the pressure. We need to play the game the way we enjoy playing, without the PTO threats of the past.

I know you are all tired of this and have been for awhile (looks back at a past article). I know you all just want to take a break from all this ATO nonsense and have fun with the game, I get it, but we have to step up and keep fighting to make sure we do not waste the chance we have been given. We were able to defeat RGR last month, but we need to continue to be vigilant so we can make sure he never has the chance to threaten the top 5 again.

It’s because of our persistence that we were able to have free elections this month, this was the glorious chaos of democracy. It was messy, but it was beautiful. I, for one, would like to see that continue. I want to see everyone who has any inclination of being CP to believe that it is possible. The only way that happens is to continue to keep RGR out of the top five.

Another election cycle for Party President is just around the corner and we will once again be taking RGR’s party the Reagan Conservative Party from him in an effort to keep him from climbing back into the top 5. As of now we have an ATO candidate in RCP named Henry William French.

I would ask you to be smart with your vote. Before you vote on Friday please check #voting on IRC or check your shout feeds in order to make the best use of your vote. Using your vote wisely will help secure free and clear elections for many elections cycles to come.

I believe it is important that we keep the eUS moving forward and keep our democracy safe from PTO. I want to see that chaos again next month. I want to experience the messy elections and the fun of new candidates battling it out over the big chair. The future of the eUS is in our hands and we must take the challenge.

We need to chase the sun

RGR has changed his party name. I was going to change it in the article but he'll just change it again.

Right the moment the party name is Pray for the Phillipines

"I would rather rot in hell for all of eternity for standing by my principles, than get into heaven by leaving those principles behind"