The Greek Connection

Day 1,319, 17:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

I was thinking the other day and I came to this conclusion. eRepublik is ancient Greece. Not the game that we play but the system that encompasses the game. I will tell you what I mean.

Who ruled the ancient Greek world? Who ran the universe, made life difficult for mankind and generally did things that mere mortals could not fathom? The Greek Gods.

These guys.

Now who runs the eRepublik universe and makes life difficult for us mere citizens by doing things that none of us can understand? You guessed it. The Admins.

I guess that makes him Zeus.

Now what do you do when you want to talk to the gods? How do you get them to give you what you want? Someone cheated you and you want retribution? Something not fair in your life? You pray. Kneel down in a temple to a certain god and pray away.

Here in eRepublik you send a ticket. Usually you get the same result. No one is listening. And if you do get an answer it is usually in the form of a roundabout, meaningless answer that is similar to some ancient prophecy that no one understands.

Ask away and see if anyone is listening.

Now what do you do when you really, really, really want something to go your way? Regular old prayer just won't get it done. You have to go all out. A good old sacrifice is what you need.

That is a bit extreme.

Facepalm on the left. Don't sacrifice all the women.

That is better.

You probably have already figured out where I am going with this.

The ultimate sacrifice.

And if you needed any other evidence then all you have to do is look at who the Admins chose to be their mouthpiece to us lowly players.

Just a bit of fun.

Anthony Colby