The Great German question, and its final solution

Day 547, 18:17 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

Now that we here at the National Siren have shocked you into reading this article, push aside the WW2 reference and read the reference to today.

Scrabman has declared neutrality in the war against Germany, while saying he supports the Swedes, and favors them to win. He says that it is good to be on the good side of strong nations, and that the world situation will be improved by a Swedish Takeover.

The National Siren, and many other newspapers and American citizens, say NEIN!!!!!!!!!!

Not only is this not the way to treat a country that LEFT PEACE, to join ATLANTIS, proving their loyalty completly, but this will not make ATLANTIS stronger. When/If Germany gets overcome by the invading swedish fish, the swedes will be weaker, not stronger, and Germany will no longer exist. This action by Sweden, and inaction by Scrabman (best case scenario) dissaudes other nations from joining ATLANTIS, as we cant even provide the ONE THING ATLANTIS IS SUPPOSED TO PROVIDE. PROTECTION!!!!! At the very least, we arnt supposed to Invade one another, or let ATLANTIS nations get invaded while turning a blind eye. This will futher help PEACE, as when the Swedes turns their attention to safeguard Europe against PEACE... jesus the multi-faceted irony.... the German regions, with their large German populations will revolt, drawing attention away from attacking PEACE.

I urge Scrabman to reconsider the neutrality, and the sudden friendship, we have given to the schoolyard bully. And I urge all Americans to fight for Germany RIGHT NOW, instead of the war games Scrab just started to help Sweden with their invasion. Long live Germany and the U.S.A.